RAIN in Random Thoughts

  • Nov. 6, 2022, 2:58 p.m.
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Oh acronyms, how do you feel about dark mornings at 6am. Have you a preference for when your helpful light shines?

Ever since coming back from Mexico Ive been going to sleep early (8pm hour) and waking in the 6 am hour. Today that means i get a dark morning to myself while babe sleeps. I meditated, trying to just listen to the sounds of water outside,

I’ve continued the 40 day meditation series, though kind of slowly. It did begin to address an area I personally struggle with and had questions about- emotions/feelings that are too big for general mindfulness or awareness practices- the ones that if you shine that mindfulness awareness on it, you might trigger mental health issues. For me, that’s the dark stuff that comes up in parenting. The stuff that would probably be umbrella’d under my complex PTSD diagnosis.

One session used the acronym RAIN- (recognize it’s happening) (allow life to be just as it is) (investigate your experience with gentle attention) (nurture with kindness).

I used this process for a particularly difficult time at the Denver airport with my little one (ages 2.5) when we were stuck there for a 5 hour layover. It was helpful.

I did join the gym last week. So far i have 2 visits under my belt. I’d like to lose weight, but i am now a bit older and i hear that’s a hard thing to do. I cross fingers that just adding 2 or 3 days a week of cardio to a life of zero exercise will help. I’d really like to get into weights, I’ve done it before and found some meditative experiences. Also, it could help make my aging body stronger and more tone before i start my slow decline into middle age. lol.

amazing. almost an hour to myself in the morning. i miss this.

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