Science of the Soul in The Light of Egypt
- Oct. 3, 2022, 4:11 a.m.
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The Light Of Egypt
Chapter One
Science of the Soul
(Just my first round of notes)
Materialistic wisdom can’t account for the simple phenomena that transpire in the action and non-action of life forces. Science is trying to decompose light and sound into their component parts and is left with “the aching void.”
One must unload the heavy useless baggage of educated opinion and scientific dogmas, otherwise, they will get buried in the debris of conflicting ideas. We need an unbiased mind, logical reasoning, genuine common sense, and a calm reflective brain. Anything else is useless unless one can use their scientific acquirements merely as aids in climbing the spiritual steps of occultism.
The biggest hurdle is the non-realization of the duality of truth. The truth of appearances and the truth of realities*. The truth of appearances is relative and the truth of realities is absolute.
Everything is dual. If we know half of something then we know that there is another half somewhere and we can only know the half.
For anything to be a thing it must possess three dimensions. Length, breadth, and thickness. However, everything has two sides. An outside and an inside. The outside is not the inside.
A temple is a grand triumph of man’s mechanical skill, yes, but it is just the truth of appearance. It is relative only. It is only true in the transitory plane of material phenomena. It is just the external form that came out of a man’s idea. It is the phenomenal outcome of man’s creative attributes.
With the solid building, we can only see the outside. It’s length, breadth and thickness but with duality, there must be an inside. If we enter the interior plane, it exists in the subjective world of the architect.
In time, that temple will crumble to decay. Not one atom will remain to indicate the place where it once stood. It is not permanently real. It is just a passing appearance assumed by matter under the moulding forces of man’s mechanical ability. Though the external structure is lost, the idea that created it is eternal because it was a spiritual reality.
External Plane - Oustide. Relative, the truth of appearances.
Internal Plane - Inside. Absolute, the truth of realities.
The absolute truth, the eternal reality, appears to be non-reality upon this plane of matter while the material structure appears to be the only thing that is real. The delusive appearance has created the confusion for the exact meaning of spirit and matter.
Science - Pushes the unknown into matter.
Theology - Pushes the unknown into spirit.
Both are right and both are wrong. Both are dual expressions of the one Deific principle, due to differences in polarity. A unity of two modes of action.
This duality can only be comprehended in its true relationship when viewed from both planes. They can only be realized by the science of correspondences, where science is but a material system of symbolism from where we can justly regulate our conceptions of all things.
Ideas rule the world - Plato
Before the divine idea evolved from within the divine sensorium of the infinite one, the universe was not. Hence, the result of the divine idea was the evolution of a purely symbolic form.
Symbols are the product of ideas, in turn, ideas are the symbol of thought. Thought itself is the symbolic response of the Ego to the pulsating throb of the Deific will. The divine radiant soul of the infinite one. The back of this cannot be penetrated. We must be satisfied with the certain knowledge that we can only trace the transmission of thoughts, ideas and symbolic forms to their source.
(Thoughts - Ideas- Symbolic Forms - Source)
Angelic World - Symbolic expression of the divine sphere of the infinite.
Celestial World - Reflection of the angelic world.
Spiritual World - A prototype and symbolic outcome of the celestial heavens.
Astral World - Reflection of the spiritual sphere.
Material World - Concrete shadow of the astral kingdoms.
We are a long way down on the scale of creative life. We will win our way back through this valley of shadow, this plane of inverted images and delusive appearance, into the realms of our former state. To the pure angelic life, the ever-living reals of all the infinitudes of apparent realities.
We’re intellectually stupid. There is a gap in our understanding of the universe and it is the principle of duality.
Note to self: Review and summarize the rest of the chapter further.
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