Cats and Man'Flu in Diary
- June 18, 2014, 11:26 p.m.
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Well my new phone and sim arrived yesterday and it was really easy to set it all up and get all my stuff on there. Unbeknownst to me, my old phone had backed itself up on 12th June, including all photos, text messages etc. so I still have everything right up until we went to Download, which was a nice surprise. Although the phone is the exact same model, it's seems newer and different. I think it's because this one has iOS 7 on it, which I was resisting on my old phone because I'd heard bad things about it. I'm not a techie by any stretch of the imagination so I don't know what the actual differences are, except that it looks different.
Also, the button on the top of the phone to lock it, actually works! It had stopped working on my old one so it's nice to have that back, haha.
And, good timing, not long after I got it all set up, I had a call from a new potential customer. She wants me to look after her cat for a weekend in August. She doesn't know the exact date yet but will call me nearer the time. And she only lives around the corner from me so this is perfect :o)
Yesterday was a busy day. Jay didn't go to work yesterday, or today. He reckons he's got 'flu, but he's still eating everything in sight so I'm doubting that, I think he's just overindulged the last few days. So, when I got home from work, not only was all the mess from Download still there, but a load of new mess that seems to accumulate when people are ill. So after a full day at work, I had to make dinner for both of us (Jay normally cooks) then wash up. Then put away the three loads of laundry I did on Monday after the festival. Then put away all the camping stuff which was still clogging up the dining room, clean out the bird cage and tidy up the mess that Jay had made in the living room while ensconced on the sofa.
After I'd got us free tickets for Download and drove us all there and back in my car, it would have been nice if Jay had at least contributed to sorting out the stuff! I'm getting mighty sick of driving us everywhere now. He keeps saying he'll learn to drive next month; but next month never comes and he's been saying this for about two years! Every time we go anywhere; 200 mile round trip to visit his dad, 400 mile round trip to visit my parents, to go on a city break, to go to weddings, visiting friends or short journeys to the shops, it's always me who drives because he can't be bothered to learn. Petrol money, car tax, insurance (over £800 last year), MOT, servicing; all lies with me because it's my car, and yet he's the one who gets the benefit of free taxis from the pub and being able to sleep on long motorway journeys. It's been five years now; I keep telling him I'm going to get him to drive EVERYWHERE and pay for the car for the same length of time after he passes his test and he just laughs. We'll see how much he's laughing when he actually has to do it, he'll soon realise it's a bigger bind than he currently seems to think. sigh
Whinge whinge whinge.
In other news, the project manager for Sonisphere has told me he should find out tomorrow if we can have free tickets! I've only just got back from Download and Sonisphere is on 4th-6th July. The Prodigy, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Deftones, Alice in Chains, Mastodon, Band of Skulls,'s a pretty good line up :o) Festival city!
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