August Currents in The Awesome Chronicles of me.
- July 27, 2022, 12:31 p.m.
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Current Annoyance: My stupid sinks are clogging up, I think its under control, but after the dishwasher was used on sunday, the sink clogged, but I used the wet/dry vac and some draino
and i think it is ok.
Current Bane of My Existence: Nothing bane-y at the minute, there was the idiot gun guy at my game day, I gritted my teeth. But it was great to see him grumpy when playing a game I had to be hornswoggled into playing with him (and he lost terribly hah)
Current Book: I finished 1984 (Part 3 was the best part) I finished Restaurant at the end of the galaxy and going through Life, the universe and everything. They are ok.............
Current Clothing Thoughts: I want a BSG patch for my hoodie. I want patches in general. Throw in an n7 patch and maybe an ace flag (This is still true)
Current Color: Black.
Current Crush: Tali Zorah vas Normandy, once and forever and ever. and ever, ever and ever and ever.. and ever and ever and still ever. Never change Tali.
Current Drink: I had a Code red Earlier.
Current Excitement(s): I finished the Mass effect trilogy (In like a week and a half) Gone through Andromeda (WHY NO SEQUEL) and I got PS+ and I finished stray (In like 6 hours, the last 5 minutes was so sad. like I cried for 10 minutes)
Current Feeling: On a scale of 1-10. I’m at a 2
Current Fetish: Hahahaha… oh wait this prompt is serious HAHA HA HA HA,
Current Films: I think I need to watch Doctor Strangelove, and Inglorious Basterds, and throw in Airplane and Clue in there, throw in the Naked gun series, and here we go.
Current Food: Deep dish pizza from Little caesars.
Current Goal: I haven’t gotten any play testing in sadly, but I think i’m ready for the next set of playtests of Rails, and Logistics I want a 2 player test because I am scared of the time.
Current Image(s):
We all mourn the Loss of Omaha Nebraska.
Seriously Stray is so adorable, a good little game too. It was so cute.
Current Indulgence: Pizza!
Currently Listening To: The 90’s comedy Wings.
Current Love: My friends, my mom, Macaroni, and the Pomfies.(has not changed x3)
Current Mood: Meh.
Current Music: Nah.
Current Music Video:
Current Outfit: Nothing exciting. Shorts, shirt.
Current Self-Image Thoughts: UGH x2
Current Slang or Saying: Keelah Selai and Bosh’tet
Current Song Lyrics: None.
Current Triumph: My prototypes, beating the mass effect trilogy in like a week and a half, then beating andromeda in 2 weeks. I started ff7 remake, looks pretty, I really like PS+ This is a great subscription service. it’ll be a great easy gift for christmas.
Current TV Show: Wings on tv
Current Wish List: These board game related items:
Imperium Legends, The Sidereal Confluence Expansion and Eleven, Brazil Imperial, there ae a couple others but I cant
Video games:
ff16, Triangle strategy um, so much other stuff lol but thank you ps+ I feel like i’m homer in the land of chocolate (even with the 50% off chocolate for discounts on games that aren’t on there.)
Anyhop. Thats all.
Keelah Selai.
Last updated July 27, 2022
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