Doing All The Things in Everyday Ramblings

  • July 27, 2022, 8:58 p.m.
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The Rose of Sharon is having a bit of a tough year. It is wild now in the garden and so far, this is the first full flower I have seen this season. The passion fruit are developing and there will be a good batch in a week or two. It has been so hot I have been going down to the garden each morning at sunrise to water and I don’t have time to go the long way and pick blackberries on the way home before the early class. Saturday, I will be able to do it then.

Kes came up today with a brand new highly rated air purifier. Most Honorable got a couple of the Wire Cutter recommended filtration devices with Prime pricing and that pricing hung around for a few days so they ordered one for me. I am thrilled. It is so quiet! It is a Conway AP-1512HH. I have a dehumidifier which I need for the way my place is built but ever since they realized Covid was airborne I have wanted something to improve the quality of the air here.

Because of climate change everyone I know is suffering more from seasonal allergies than before. I finally found a homeopathic remedy to help a bit with that. This will help even more.

We are all hoping yesterday was the hottest day of the year. With the sustained heat we are expecting this week and no air conditioning I am doing all the things…keeping the blinds closed, the fan on, only going out in the morning if I can help it…

Tomorrow I will need to go out in the worst of it as I am getting the mesh removed from the bone graft from the latest surgery in the late afternoon. They schedule it after my periodontist has his big surgery, so I often have to wait. He is very considerate but tomorrow I won’t mind so much to sit in the air-conditioned offices with the fabulous view.

I have been exposing myself to much less news, listening to music I love and podcasts that are about quirky things that I am curious about. This is helping my heart. Also, we are gearing up for the fall election prep in the League of Women Voters so I will have people to talk to about current events and what we can do about them.

This week I am also teaching these simple movements that if done regularly help relieve tenderness and discomfort in the upper and mid back area. I personally am getting relief from them and the feedback from my morning class is that they are waking up less stiff and sore.

And this morning one of my students liked the poem I read (by someone else) about How to Move House that she asked for a link to it so she could read it again. I am never sure about these poems I pick to read, so it is a thrill when the discussion after is lively, and folks are engaged.

The blueberry bush in my plot likes the heat. I have been bringing a small handful home each day. I am glad somebody likes it because it is intense.

Just ask the wasps hovering around my birdbath every afternoon.

Last updated July 28, 2022

mcbee July 28, 2022

Getting the mesh off sounds like a significant step toward complete healing. I know you have more to do, but it's nice to check off the completed parts.

Jinn July 28, 2022

I would like to read that poem..
I hope your mesh removal goes well and you keep cool .

noko Jinn ⋅ July 28, 2022

Here you go...

Jinn noko ⋅ July 28, 2022

Thank - you !

Jinn noko ⋅ July 29, 2022

It’s a good poem.

Deleted user July 28, 2022

So that's what those flowers are called! The more you know...

I have a dehumidifier by Gocheer. It's okay. A little loud for my taste, as it has that high-pitched hum like a dying laptop fan.

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