More green stuff.... in These titles mean nothing.

  • June 10, 2014, 9:54 p.m.
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  • Public

 photo 022.jpg

The ITC.

And corn.

 photo 011.jpg

And Gracie in the corn.

 photo 013.jpg

And just for the heck of it, an old red tractor.

 photo 015.jpg


Thought crossed my mind today. Maybe not wanting to retire is a sign you should retire.

Catch-22, as it were.

Since it's normal to fear war, fear is normal. So if you aren't afraid then there is something wrong with you and you get sent home.

Since it's normal to want to retire, wanting to retire is normal. So if you don't want to retire then something is wrong with you and you get sent home.

When I was thinking it, there was more to it. Now you just get the skeleton of the thought.

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