wicked weekend in NY, part... 3?? (saturday) in shiny things

  • May 28, 2014, 8:16 p.m.
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Oh how I wish I could be concise and succinct and all those brief and non-wordy things that I am not. Also, while I'm wishing, I wish I would not drag entries out so. But obviously I will never change, so here goes the Next Installment of the Wicked Weekend in New York. This was Saturday April 26. Now that I type the date, I find myself astonished that it's only been a little over a month. It seems like forEVER ago!

We had a quick breakfast in the Starbucks across the street from the hotel (REALLY good oatmeal - for some reason I've managed to miss experiencing Starbucks oatmeal until this trip. And I love oatmeal) and then started just walking north on Broadway. We had tickets for the 2:00 showing of Wicked so had time to sightsee.

walking around NYC

walking around NYC

I loved that there's a Nikola Tesla Corner-

walking around NYC

We walked across Bryant Park , and around to the NY Public Library.

bryant park

bryant park

bryant park

bryant park

bryant park

The Extremely Iconic NY Public Library is gorgeous - I wish we'd had more time to spend there. Like, all day. We did wander around quite a bit inside, though.

new york city public library

new york public library

new york public library

I also wish I could have gotten better pictures of the amazing ceilings - it was like being in a cathedral.

new york public library

new york public library

New York City public library

I loooooove all the gorgeous old buildings. Old and new buildings. All mixed up together.

walking around nyc

walking around nyc

The Rockefeller Center! It was so tall I couldn't get it and the ice rink in one shot.

rockefeller center

rockefeller center

Not sure what the Easter Bunny was doing there, as it was well past Easter, but he was amusing-

rockefeller center

AND of course now I'm out of time, and haven't even gotten to Wicked yet! Oh, well, I'll just stretch this out for ages like I did the England trip. Hopefully it won't take six months to finish this three-day adventure, though.

Satine May 28, 2014

I LOVE these!!! I see these things all the time (and am actually in one of the buildings you photographed as I type this) and you make them look so epic. AMAZING!

edna million Satine ⋅ May 28, 2014

How cool is that???!!! Lucky you! I wish we'd had more time --- we were only there three days- one full and two partial. It was a whirlwind.

Lyn May 28, 2014

As always, I am loving going on your trip with you.

Ragdolls May 28, 2014

ermentrude May 29, 2014

I love the light in the library, so calm :-) x

Eriu May 29, 2014

I get to travel without even leaving my desk! :) Love the bunny!!!

noko June 01, 2014

I heard they trashed the big plan for remodeling the public library after you left. I am thinking you need to visit more often, discreetly, on your own. :) Love the big reflection shot.

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