I'm a Bitch. So what? in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Sept. 26, 2013, 10:21 p.m.
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Ugh. Just Ugh!

So those that have been reading me for years may remember the occasional rant about my SIL always comparing The Child to her son since he is only 6 days younger than The Child. We originally had the same due date but I was induced a week early.

Anyway, for the newbies and/or to recap, we announced on Feb. 1, 2001 I am pregnant after a very intense IVF cycle after 2 years of infertility & IVF being our only option. On Feb. 2, 2001 they announce they are pregnant after 4 months of trying. Pffft.

They lived 40 minutes away from Hubby's family. We lived in England. She got a baby shower, we got gifts after we moved back to the States. Hubby's parents were there for the birth of Kevin. The Child was 7 weeks when they saw her for the first time.

No biggie, right? Well then I would get a call, "Kevin just rolled over, is The Child doing that yet?" Or I'd call to tell MIL that The Child got her first tooth and she'd reply back, "That's great! Kevin got his 2 weeks ago."

Which is fine. I'm not about showmanship or one up-ing people. I'm happy for you and for your child's accomplishment. And it is quite possible that people don't even realize they are comparing her to them.

I am NOT happy with MY child's accomplishment's being made inferior next to someone else's.

And it's not just with Hubby's side of the family. With my Mom's side, it is all about Lara who was born 6 months after The Child. And then when Samantha was born 22 months after The Child to my brother and his "Thingy" (he's the one still married to his wife but living with "Thingy" and said love child). On my Dad's side it is all about Katlynn who was born 7 weeks after The Child.

It's like people can't be happy for my child and my child alone. She is always being compared to her peers and quite frankly it pisses me off!!!!!

Am I being petty? Maybe. Am I blowing it out or proportion? Probably. Am I a Bitch about it? Never before but I've reached my limit. So sue me.

I told Hubby I was done. From now on IF (a really big IF) I make posts about The Child's accomplishments, all family will be blocked from them. If they really care about HER, if they really want to know what SHE is doing, they can call her and ask HER. I refuse to give them another reason to brag about others and make her accomplishments seem minor or no longer exist.


Every parent does NOT have the right to come onto my Facebook post, about my child's accomplishments, and say, "That is great. Kevin is reading at an 11th grade level and Kristopher at a 7th grade level." (The post was a brag about The Child reading at 8th grade level and being placed into an advanced literature class while only being in the 6th grade.)

Why? Just why?

You want praise and acknowledgement for your child's accomplishments from me then put them on YOUR Facebook wall, not on my wall>post.

My mother near about started a war with my In-Laws (not the first!) with a comment she made on one of The Child's karate tournament pictures a couple of weeks ago.

Hubby is always assuming my posts are about him and makes life miserable for me off and on Facebook.

Now my SIL went and did this crap.

I might as well just delete my Facebook.

At the end of the day, all that matters is that The Child knows how proud I am of her. And that SHE is proud of herself. And she is and she is. I've done my job.

The rest of them can sod off and kiss my bitchy ass!

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