Boring diet stuff in What's Happening

  • May 4, 2022, 6:03 p.m.
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  • Public

I said this week that I would try to go caffeine-free all week and only drink water. So far I haven’t been successful, but not because of lack of willpower. The borderline migraines I’ve been having have been causing me to give in and have a diet soda for relief.

I had:

Monday - 2 diet cokes. One bottle and one can for a total of about 100mg of caffeine.

Tuesday - One bottle of diet coke for about 70mg caffeine.

Wednesday - One bottle of diet coke for about 70mg caffeine.

The rest of my beverages have only been water. I am determined to purge caffeine from my body eventually. I’ll try again tomorrow. After a week or so of this purge I will decide what I want to do from there.

I’m working on a healthier diet plan at the moment that I would also like to start doing. I will share when it’s done.

Shattered May 04, 2022

Caffeine withdrawals are BRUTAL.

Chaz Shattered ⋅ May 04, 2022


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