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made it to greece in What's Happening

  • Oct. 9, 2022, 11:54 a.m.
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  • Public

I made it to Greece pretty seemlessly.

I looked at a seat map of available seats when I was choosing my seat for the plane and strategically chose a seat in a remote location hoping to get an entire row to myself and my plan was successful! The flight was amazingly comfortable. I’m glad I didn’t spend the 900$ for the business class upgrade.

I found my apartment with ease by only using the metro. The only hiccup I ran into was my metro card didn’t work when I was trying to exit. I might not have paid enough for the amount of distance I traveled, but a local girl was behind me and she reached out with her plastic metro card and I immediately noticed she was trying to help so she swiped and we hurried up and went through the gate together.

I probably could have found my apartment without even using my phone, but I decided to cheat because I’m just so tired. (I hate cheating because I like to keep my city navigating skills sharp.)

They left the key in a lockbox for me so I didn’t even need to talk to anyone. I just grabbed my key and went to my apartment. Its so perfect and roomy. It’s much better than a hotel. It reminds me exactly of the apartment I had when I lived in Philly. It even has a clothes washer.

Anyway I need a nap. I won’t do much tonight. I will update tomorrow.

Shattered October 09, 2022

Sounds like a great start! Enjoy it

Chaz Shattered ⋅ October 09, 2022


gattaca October 09, 2022

Some of the best scuba diving in the world, if you are into that.

Chaz gattaca ⋅ October 09, 2022

I’d like to get into that some day. For this trip I’m just gonna hang out in the city learn some history and relax.

Sleepy-Eyed John October 10, 2022


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