Nachos, Cheese fries and Exhaustion in Journal 2022

  • April 22, 2022, 11:11 p.m.
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I had nachos for dinners and cheese fries for lunch! Yummy! I haven’t done much today. My brain is still depressed from everything that’s been going on, I started a few assignments for finals though.

I am so tired from school I can’t write any of my stories nooooooooo!! It’s so unfair but I’m burned out. My brain is tomato paste! But I’m going to finish these projects by so help my god I need them done.

I haven’t talked to J today 😕 sad times but we are both busy and J isn’t as talkative as me. While I’m timid and meek in public with J I talk ALOT about music, tv shows, books, fanfics, etc just anything.

Because he is so kind and caring he needs alot of time to himself to think and take care of his family. Can you believe that? It’s so sweet. It makes me so happy and my heart flutters around inside my chest.

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