Opened the Sunroom! Link to review for Son's new release! in Tea at the Cabin in the Woods

  • June 7, 2014, 10:01 p.m.
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Tonight I am finally able to sit in the sunroom with all the windows and doors opened. This is the first evening it hasn't dropped to a cold temp requiring blankets and socks to be out here. We have eaten on the table out here both yesterday and today and that has been wonderful. It's dusk now and the birds are still chirping, I hear something much larger in the woods rustling the leaves, could be squirrels but my guess, from the sounds of it, it's probably a porcupine or another tree/bark eating animal. Bears are seen around here regularly, but I doubt that's it. I tried to look but it's so dark in the woods, hard to tell what anything is.

A couple weeks ago Hubby saw a Mountain Lion down the road. I saw a very Large FOX jump over the stone wall across the street a couple days later. Night walking is not recommended out here since there is so much wildlife and so few people. Now it's gotten eerily quiet with distant crickets. Strange how you hear the noise in the evenings when the T.V. is off and you can just listen. I love the quiet and the sounds of nature. That really isn't quiet. A friend calls it "Human Quiet" vs. "Nature Quite". That makes good sense to me. This place brings me peace and calm. It is so very nice to come home and just be still, let the madness of higher education and academia stay 17 miles away... I can take deep breathes, kick off the shoes, put my feet up and drink a soothing cup of tea. Now that is worth the price of gold.

OH, I finally made the purchase of new rug for the dining area! After all the construction and work we had done after buying the house, I wasn't able to allow myself to spend the money on a rug. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it? But, be that as it may, I decided to just do it and ordered a rug from It should arrive next week. I hope it helps me feel more like I have completed the move in process... probably not, but it will feel closer. I know, it's a girl thing... Next big purchase will be better furniture than these 30 year old pieces I still have in the sunroom. I can't find cushions for the chair & ottoman anymore because they don't make that size now. I had to try to make one last fall, bought the fabric, foam and did my best. They don't fit right, still to short for the high-back chair... oh, well.

What I had wanted to write about was how proud I am of my kids this week. (I am always proud of them, in-spite of the recent legal troubles they have had). Daughter had her Artist Reception for the opening of her new show on Wed. evening. It was well attended and she loved it. AND she went on to sing with a group of people after the reception and someone posted her singing, "Angel from Montgomery" on facebook - which has been really fun to see.

My son had a review posted in the Austin Chronicle which someone commented on as "Sexy". This is the link: (

So all in all, it's been a good week. I am trying not to stress over the college changes and attempting to view it as a chance to make some positive changes and make the Psychology program the best in the state. I have six years until I am retirement age (in my mind) and there is no reason I can't make this program a stand out from the rest of these colleges and universities. Who said Dartmouth College, just because it's an Ivy League school, has to be the premier program? I say - GAME ON! Look out because I am taking over now.

Okay, need to stop this. I may be wrong about the sound not being a bear... it is very busy out there and making LOTS of noise... I think it's time to close the doors, just in case.

Have a great one and we'll talk soon.

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