Speed. in Whey and Sonic Screwdrivers.
- Feb. 7, 2022, 4:08 p.m.
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I used to spend money on computer components. I’d swear Candi and I had a conversation about how she’d spend money on lot of little things, and I’d just blow money on a piece of technology. It’s apples and oranges in terms of joy, but joy is joy.
Money can buy happiness. I like tacos. Tacos cost money. Tacos are a good that can be serviced to my mouth.
Just assuming you were born in the nineteen hundreds and know the entire Internal Homer Conversation.
I actually forgot to take any preworkout yesterday. It’s not essential to a decent workout. I crushed yesterday. Just another page in the log. <3
Last September (or was it August) I researched finding a preworkout that didn’t have any stimulants. I liked C4 in the past, but eventually adapted to it and become slightly dependent on it. (If you need a preworkout before employment, you have a problem.) Straight-up: the active ingredient in all preworkouts is caffeine.
I went the “frugal” route and bought the “components” of C4. So at times I would have instant coffee, or straight-up caffeine pills.
Yeah, not going down that path again.
So yeah, been dabbling in this since last Fall. No energy “rush”. But, energy feels sustained.
What I didn’t realize when I bought this was what l-citrulline does. It’s a vasodilator. This means increased blood flow to a stimulated area. Yes. Stimulated. So, if you do a bunch of lateral raises, you get a good pump in your lateral deltoid.
Yes, pump*.
Get your giggles out.
I’m sure you know he was hamming it up for the camera. An actor… acting? Yes, Virginia.
But yeah, I’d heard of “the pump” before, but damn, this shit works.
And for those of you that like deep dicking, yes, l-citrulline can also aid vasodilation of the vessels of The Cock.
Anyway, having gone so long without caffeine, I figured “eh, screw it”. These little things in life bring me joy, so, might as well. I don’t need to be completely straight edge.
Of note: 300 mg caffeine anhydrous. Everyone reading this has been slapped in the face by caffeine at least once in their life. 300 mg is around 3 cups of coffee. The anhydrous form is extremely fast absorbing.
This is like legal speed, people. : D
SERIOUSLY, SERIOUSLY, moderate your caffeine intake. I (try) to never take caffeine in consecutive days. Hell, I try to limit myself to once, no more than twice a week. The body adapts. And isn’t it so nice when SHIT WORKS?
Ha ha ha.
Isn’t it funny? Never got into beer, but I’ve done liver crossfit with vodka. Never got into coffee-coffee, but went straight to caffeine pills and powders.
And this is why I refuse to try needles. Good god. (Though, I also don’t like needles, tattoos aside.)
(Lucked out and don’t find weed addictive or all that appealing.)
Anyway, if you’re into fitness, I can safely suggest either. READ THE DAMNED DOSAGE. Hell, I rarely use a full scoop of either.
Read up on the placebo effect. “I have magic dust in my veins, I can lift the moon!” is a thing. No, seriously. There have been studies where guys were told they were on something that would make them lift more. And. Compared to a control group, they DID lift more.
Anyway, while I did want to write up a bit about preworkouts. I felt simply saying that I woke up, felt great. Then took my caffeinated pixie dust and HOLY HELL, I WAS READY TO SQUAT MY BALLS OFF.
(Don’t worry, my testicles are still attached to me. No hernia yet.)
Can I hit pull 4 plates by the time I hit 40? Don’t know, but I know I want to pace myself with this magic dust.
I would wash your dishes soooo well right now. : D DDDDD DDD D D DDD
*I’m seriously just assuming everyone knows the often quoted Arnie line of “when I’m at the gym, it’s like I’m cumming, as satisfying as being in a woman and cumming. I’m cumming at home, I’m cumming in the gym, I’m in heaven.” Acting, people. Brilliant hamming for the camera. It worked, too!
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