Good things in A Life Uncommon
- May 23, 2014, 9:32 p.m.
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There's a lot of bad stuffs going on that I don't want to focus on, so the positives are what need talked about.
I talked with N's teacher two mornings ago and while she was fairly useless and continuously discouraged me at pushing for help, she DID let me know that Nicholaus has been excelling at reading. Not exactly the comprehension parts (although that is also improving, and will only get better with practice), but the fact that he has read 250% of his goal amount of books this 9 weeks alone.
And it's true, especially since he's been grounded from all fun things. But he's excited about reading again, and that makes me happy. I loved being able to disappear into books as a kid. I learned a lot from them, and grew with some characters.
Saturday is family photo day! I'm pretty excited for that. I might even reactivate my facebook page purely for stalking purposes when my photog starts posting previews.
Jack and I discussed going to the zoo this weekend too, or maybe just going out together. I dunno. We need to do something. I'm pretty desperate for time alone with him and to just talk.
Work is going awesome this month, finally. Have some shops to chase down and ensure go, but that's just maintenance work.
I stayed up late last night cleaning and mopping, since Jack was out on an overnight. Boo, because everyone was up at 7am (Seriously Paula, BLACKOUT SHADES), but yay because it was nice to come down to clean sparkly floors that smelled good!
Today's missions are laundry and decluttering, with a heavy emphasis on being outside if the weather permits. You should see all three boys, man. All we do is play with cars and dig for worms! I really am living the life of a mom of boys these days. I wondered when this day would come, and now that it's hear I'm grabbing the shovel and jumping into puddles!
I just ordered the littles some boots, and need to order N some too so that our shoes stop being ruined in our escapades.
Sigh, the ducks are honking really loud. Come on lottery, I need to fence in the back yard!!
Sagittarienne ⋅ May 24, 2014
Yes...a good pair of rainboots are a must! Fiona has a pair I ordered on sale at ll bean. One size too big SO hopefully they will fit next year too.
My child must be part boy. Digging for bugs and worms seems to be her summertime main objective.