Beautifully Green (with a boil your water alert) in Everyday Ramblings
- May 23, 2014, 7:23 p.m.
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I can’t figure out how to size pictures properly here. Oh well. And I admit I stopped cross posting on ED. I’ll work on it again when I have some free time.
Just reveling in the greenness out there. This is a few blocks away, a spot I walk by practically every time I go for a local walk that is not to work or the track or to catch a bus.
The visitors to my feeders have changed with the season and particularly in the evenings I am getting these groups of House Finches. The Dark Eyed Juncos have gone back up the mountain. The male finches are so handsome in their iridescent red cowls.
For the third time since I have been living in this apartment we have a boil water advisory in play today and most likely tomorrow. They found harmful to humans fecal matter in two of our local uncovered reservoirs. This time the ban is citywide, actually a little bigger than citywide. I never take my clean water supply for granted but even more so on days like these. It is an inconvenience. And it is easy to forget.
As this is the start of a holiday weekend for most folks here I can just imagine the justifications out there being declared for drinking, umm, beer. :) My electric teakettle and me are the best of friends right now.
We had rain most of the day. I walked the track in it at lunchtime and when I walked over to the studio tonight I wore my rain pants and of course it didn’t rain and I got all sweaty because it was weirdly humid. But that is weather these days, weird.
I admit I am kind of blue. I think I am just tired and a little worried and hoping for the family and that life will settle into some level of comfort for all involved.
Sammy is purring. I have my activity in for the day and can be slothful now and have free unfettered unstructured time (with boiled water) ahead of me tomorrow and I am sure my mood will improve. It is, after all, beautifully green out there.
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