Here You Come Again in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • March 8, 2020, 4:14 a.m.
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I promised y’all I wouldn’t wait another 3+ years and here I am! Yay!!

Since my last entry, I turned 49. Next year I am afraid I will finally have to grow up. Bummer. lol My life is still crazy. It is what it is. I still miss my Daddy. Some days more than others. I still have not been able to convince The Child to stop growing up. sigh Hubby lost another job. growls So ya know … yeah …

Almost 2 years ago he lost the job that brought us to this city. Because The Child had her ducks in a row for graduation/life after graduation, we decided to stay put for her sake. He found another job within 3 days at that time. He then lost that job last August. growls again. Two weeks later he found another job. A week into that job, the previous job called him back. So he gave up job #3 to go back to job #2. Last Thursday he lost his job again. growls - hisses - spits - throws things He started job #4 yesterday and is there as I type this. So many emotions over all this but I will save that for another day. Today is “Me” day.

Three weeks ago we made a super fast whirlwind trip to Ohio to visit the college The Child will be attending in the fall. We also stopped on the way so that I could interview at a “Sister Property”. It was really just a formality because I’ve already worked for the current GM when she was a fill in GM for our property a couple years ago. I mainly interviewed with the Director of Sales since that is the department I want to stick with. I loved my time visiting with them. Apparently they gave me rave reviews and said they will do whatever is necessary to get me in to that property when we are ready to move there - after graduation and our house sells. Now, yes, I have warm fuzzies. However, I don’t want my transfer to push someone out of their current position. That would not be fair. I don’t want special treatment. I also do not want to go back to night audit or strictly on the desk either. So the fact that I don’t know what department I will be in, or what job will be available at the time, makes me hesitate about transferring to that property. I have told upper management that I would be willing to transfer to any property that had an open position as long as it is no more than 1 days driving distance to Ohio. I don’t want The Child to have to drive more than a day to come home during her breaks.

So our whirlwind trip had this itinerary: worked all day Wednesday, drove 6 hours in the dark, in heavy snow Wednesday night. Drove all day Thursday and arrived at sister property on Thursday night. Interviewed on Friday morning then drove the rest of the way to the In-Laws. Saturday we spent 1/2 the day at the college then attended a family get together arranged for our visit home. Sunday we hit the road at 7:30 am for our trip back home. Arrived home Monday evening. Back to work on Tuesday. Yes, I’m still trying to recover three weeks later lol

On Wednesday (2 days after we got home from Ohio) my Area Director of Sales called me into her office … again …

You may recall in my previous entry about her job offer to entice me not to move this summer …

“This past Friday my DOS sat me down and offered me the Sales Manager position.

Read that again.

:::mouth opens and closes:::

I have no words. I’m just as speechless as you are.

Sales Manager. Sales MANAGER. Sales M-A-N-A-G-E-R.

In less than 6 months I have been offered a promotion.


And might I add (or remind those who have forgotten), I have no college education. I barely graduated high school. I only have determination. And life experience. And OCD. LOL”

It was hard to turn the job offer down, but I did it with peace in my heart and I moved forward. I’ve continued my training and each day is still a joy to walk into the office (as long as I don’t make eye contact with coworkers lol).

And then I find myself in her office again …


She tells me how much the Ohio property loved me and they can’t wait for me to join their team; they had nothing but rave reviews about me; blah blah blah blah blah

She then goes on to say, “So with that being said, I have been asked on behalf of insert management company name here to offer you Sales Manager … at a sister property in Kentucky. They are willing to wait as long as it takes for you to join their team because they know about your having to wait for your house to sell situation. We’ve already figured out for you that you will only be 3 hours from The Child, so that will be in your 1 day of her requirement you asked for. I must also inform you that you will be a Sales Team of one because they currently have no sales member on property. You will be the only sales member on property. Does all this sound like something you would be interested in?”

Wait … what?


How is this my life?

So then I had to “formally” apply for the job by going online and submitting my resume. Let me tell you, after reading the job description I near about had a panic attack! I didn’t understand half the duties that would be required! I ended up texting her about how I wasn’t qualified based on the job description. She then proceeded to explain duty by duty how I was already doing the job and what I was reading was actually “Corporate America” words. So I submitted my resume. The next day I was asked to submit a personality assessment that would give them (upper management) a general idea of what kind of leader I am. Last Friday I had a phone interview for that property’s Area Director of Sales. Apparently I blew her away because within 10 minutes of getting off the phone with her, the VP of Sales & Marketing was emailing me to tell me how impressed the ADOS was with me. Then 2 days ago I had a “phone interview” with him & my current ADOS. And now I have a “conference phone interview” on Monday with the VP of Sales & Marketing, my ADOS, the GM, RDO, ADOS - all 3 of those from the Kentucky property. “Shit-my-pants-nervous” does not even begin to describe me right now.

Verbally, the job is mine. These calls and such are just formalities, supposedly. They all think I’m a big deal; they can’t wait to have me join this new property; they think I will do amazing things.

Y’all! I’m just a country redneck girl who barely graduated high school, who has a passion for life, and for those people she chooses to share her life with - strangers included. I’m NOT a big deal. At all. I’m just me. Quirks and issues and all.

So how did I end up here? Living this life?

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