quick one in 2021

  • Nov. 12, 2021, 10:12 p.m.
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I guess I haven’t complained about the early sunset yet so here I am complaining. It’s throwing off my whole rhythm. I’m pretty much ready for bed.

Instead I figure I’ll make a quick entry so as to do as many as possible in November, and maybe for the rest of this year. I am also waiting for EC to get here. He hasn’t left work yet so it’ll be another hour or more. I think he’s just going to drop off his smoker/some food, then go home to leave his work truck and get some clothes before coming back for the weekend. Should be a nice weekend.

Also got that 3rd programming today. It’s starting to get a little sore. I have a bit of a headache but that could definitely be from not drinking any coffee this morning. Otherwise I feel pretty good. I even did two loads of laundry after I got home! All the sheets and towels. That’s a nice accomplishment for me, especially because on the way home all I wanted to do was take a nap. My aunt’s driving is a little too nerve wreaking to do that in the car though. She also had some errands to run so I got home later than I expected. Figured I’d get a few things done.

Tomorrow we have the party next door so I’m sure the day will consist of cooking and drinking. Looks like it’s going to be a nice weekend weather-wise. I feel bad for my mom who is stuck in the pouring PNW rain and we’re experiencing her perfect weather [80s]. Every time she asks if it’s raining I kinda laugh and say no but avoid telling her how nice it is. Hate to make her feel worse.

It does sound like they’re getting along fine though. She got my brother out of the house at least twice today and helped him to accomplish a bunch of stuff. She’s already cleaned up a lot of the apartment and I think convinced him to do some laundry. It’s more than I was able to do. Honestly I think that was mostly because I was so anxious and upset. I didn’t expect to walk into such a mess and he didn’t prepare me at all. Bugs and dirty places are the worst for me. I just gave up on trying to do anything because of that. Although we did take some trash out and it sounds like it’s not as bad this time around. Progress is good. Hopefully he can keep it up.

Anyway, I think we are going to take Sunday easy. I might convince EC to help me with some chores outside. He said to let him know about any projects so I might take him up on it. It’ll be good for us both to work up a sweat. I definitely need some outdoor time. Maybe catch one final tan before the sun disappears into wintery darkness. [Obviously kidding. I’m in CA. But I doubt the 80 degree weather will continue].

I need to figure out what I’m doing for dinner tonight. I haven’t eaten anything but a few snacks since about 10 o’clock this morning. I think EC is bringing leftovers from his work BBQ today but we’ll see. There was a commercial for a grilled cheese that looked pretty great. Might do that instead.

Sounds like EC is getting close so I’m off.


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