Just Do It! in Healthy Bites

  • June 23, 2014, 4:14 a.m.
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Last Thursday, I did Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown.

My co-worker next door to me at work really kicked my butt mentally. I asked her a few questions when she found time to work out in the past. She said that she would go home from work and do her step videos first thing when she got home. She usually did the around 5:30 p.m.

Well, I decided then when I got home, I would hurry up, put my shit up, get into my workout gear quickly and exercise.

Last Thursday, I started with Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown….and was able to complete the video without much trouble…so I am not too out of shape.

Yesterday, I decided to bit the bullet and do a Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Phrase I Workout I. I thought I would be rusty at that as well, but I did it pretty well!

I decided this time, I am going to start with all Jillian Michaels beginning workouts. I’ve done all of her first level workouts, and the majority of them are easy into workouts. They kick your ass but they get your body prepared to do the other levels.

When I was in great shape two years ago, I would easily do whatever level I wanted. I could do the really hard ones and do them pretty good like I am doing the beginning levels---which means that if I am able to do the beginning levels good…I am not as in great shape like I was in two years ago when I could do the harder levels pretty well.

However, I am not beating myself up. I am very proud of myself that I am not insanely out of shape where I was huffing and puffing the entire time.

What I also notice is that my body really, really misses exercising. I didn’t realize how much degradation that sitting in a chair at work will do. Sure, I go out for lunch to usually walk around or run a snack errand, etc. So, my lower back won’t be compromise as much. But exercising on Thursday and Sunday made me realize that it helps a little. It doesn’t help a great deal. Exercising helps a great deal. When I was doing Yoga Thursday and stretching, I felt parts of my body stretched that needs that release. My body is that tight from not giving it rigorous activity.

Jillian Michaels workouts are manageable. You can do the modify versions…and it is three. She has easy, moderate, and difficult modifications to the majority of her exercises when you work out to one of her sessions on her DVD workouts.

I have not decided if I am going to work out today or not. If I do, it will be one of her less impact workouts, or I will do Shapes yoga or Windsor pilates.

As for eating better, I am working on that as well. Not as easy, but I am still trying not to overeat bad foods or have a lot of sweet drinks which is my weakness.


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