Medical Heretic, Media Heretic, Everything Heretic in Current Events

  • Oct. 25, 2021, 1:12 a.m.
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When you ask God for strength he will give you challenges. When you ask God for wisdom he will give you problems to solve. When you ask God for courage he will give you dangers to overcome.

I came across someone saying that and it just left me in awe. I was also in awe after I read what some of the pilots here in Canada had to say after their religious exemptions for the vaccine mandates were rejected and resulted in them losing their jobs. They will not betray their beliefs. I’m not religious (in a re-legion) but I don’t agree that cannibalizing babies for healthcare is virtuous. It’s disgusting and these degenerates will win stupid prizes. Germ theory is a superstitious hoax and everybody is in a cult. Anyway, their literary lord suffered greater for them so they will suffer for this for him. Something to that effect. Something about that was very humbling.

We only use 10% of our brains, so they say. 2% if you watch the news and consider that a legitimate form of being informed, so I say. If you give God all of that 10% he will give you the other 90%. This crossed my mind yesterday randomly. I give all of me to God. Of course, I am learning what that means. We have a lower mind and a higher mind. We are multidimensional beings having a temporary human experience here in this theatre that God gave us, the aether. Here in this demiurge, we are in our lower mind. We need to raise our consciousness to our higher mind which is God and exists in counter space, or in the astral plane. Across history and culture, we were all connected by one universal system to achieve that. We all knew the word of God and that we are the word made flesh. Astrology, Astro logos (word of God). We used allegories to explain all of the sciences and this heritage was robbed from us all.

Every month when the moon rises in your sun sign, or star sign? A psycho-chemical germ, or seed, is planted. It is planted in the belly of the beast at the base of our spines in fire and brimstone. That fire and brimstone is the acid and sulphur in our gut. We have an oil, a christ, an ark, at the base of the spine where the seed is planted and we heave it up to heaven. That oil is sacred, we need to take care of it. If we overeat we will produce too much sulphur and it will be compromised, for example. If you spill seed, ejaculate, you waste that seed also. This also ages you and is why we die. Ever notice how old and haggard whores look? We become degenerates when we ejaculate. We lose our life force.

You use the chakras and the wandering luminaries to raise your consciousness, the christ within which carries that seed. If you lower your vibrations you sink. The number nine represents consciousness. At the lower mind, the number of the beast is 666. 6+6+6= 18 and 1+8=9. Then at the top of the mountain are the 144 lightworkers. 1+4+4=9. They’re both consciousnesses. Lightworkers are those with fully activated Chakras, they each vibrate a different colour of light which total 144k. Humanity is stuck at the Root Chakra, the red Chakra and this is by design. This system, the Matrix (the Civicus), we are in traps us in our lower consciousness so we can never reach our full potential as God-men.

That seed is heaved up to the pineal gland for salvation. It will mix with specific salts based on your birth chart. The two glands beside it will give us milk and honey. One gland secretes a white secretion that has electrical properties and the other a yellow secretion with magnetic properties (I might have crossed those). Thus, Christ is born. We are reborn. Christ is consciousness. The Christians are the antichrists because they do not want consciousness. They’ve rejected their god-given sovereign will. If you go inside yourself and into your mind you make room for the devil. It’s demented. If we activate our pineal gland we will become enlightened. Our bodies will fill with light. That light will be blue, Krishna blue or Aztec blue. After two days of mixing with the salts, everything will start flashing blue for you once you’ve become a point of singularity. A bridge between worlds. My people called them two-spirited. That term has since been hijacked by gender extremists. The blind will see again because we will regenerate. We can live for hundreds of years if we keep raising our consciousness. Forever if we wanted to but we have to start young right at puberty. From the age of twelve to thirty-three, give or take. We only sacrifice that sacred seed to create another life.

This transcendental science is what they are hiding from us at the bottom of the rabbit “hole”. Our ancients knew that time isn’t linear, it is cyclical. They used allegories instead of algorithms so that this information will find us again. We reincarnate here until we achieve this. Everything you discover in the rabbit hole makes sense once you find humanity’s heritage at the bottom of it. We are being taken further and further from this, from grace and from God. God is nature, we are so far removed from nature it is killing us. This is because we are killing nature. We are not separate from nature. Half of our breathing apparatus is in trees. We are currently rejecting our own damn bodies.

To see where we are going we need only look at where we have been. It is crystal clear to me that we are being re-legioned into a repurposed system of priestcraft, Big Pharma. If you can’t question the science then you don’t have science you have a dogma. They don’t want you to question the $cience because they do not want you to discover that there is no science. Mainstream healthcare is using a $cientific method based on a $cientific theory that is not $cientifically proven. It’s a baseless claim to say that germs cause disease because an isolated virus has yet to be discovered. There is also no study that has proven that a sick person can cause a healthy person to become sick. Contagion is a myth. Germ theory is a hoax. It’s all superstition, virology is the new demonology.

Terrain theory is based, we can replicate damage that is falsely believed to be caused by viral possession by simply creating toxic environments. Pleomorphic cells will change shape to help remove toxic materials from the body. They are present when someone presents illness but it has never been proven that they are there as guardian angels to fight evil virus demons. Any debris from infected sites in our body is our body. It’s a litany of things and virologists collect them and build a Frankenstein monster on a computer and call it a piece of a virus. Then they give you vaccines to give you antibodies which are exactly what the name says. They are anti-body. They attack your pleomorphic cells and worse. These products create chronic illness so that Big Pharma can push more medication which do even more harm. They are farming us. These doctor priests assault your body even more by trying to get rid of symptoms which are the cure. We need only love ourselves and protect ourselves from toxemia and manage our deficiencies. The only people in poor health that are victims are children. Everybody claims that they will do anything to protect their children except research what doctors put into their bodies. They neglect their response-ability further by never researching what they themselves put in, on or near their own bodies or their children’s bodies. We are not living consciously. Imagine a world so far from nature that eating correctly is called dieting. That moving correctly is called exercise. Humanity has fallen too far from grace because we got comfortable. We have an opportunity to turn things around but the degenerates are in the way. Or so it seems. Non-duality is a bitch to achieve.

I’m a medical heretic because I am an anti-vaxxer. I’m anti-$cience. I’m a media heretic because I know the news is fake and I will call it out. These people committed to the propaganda and $cience are in a cult. Instead of calling me a heretic they just say, conspiracy theorist. Instead of blasphemy, they call it dangerous misinformation. Their medical and media religious followers will protect the propaganda, naturally. The powers that be know exactly what they are doing, they are very skilled at it. The only thing that threatens them is consciousness. If we wake up out of that trance and start doing everything consciously again they will be torn apart. We just entered the age where we start to wake up. Even those that are asleep are participating in that awakening. We don’t know what awake is unless we have people asleep. Duality and all that. We are being kept apart because the powers that be are afraid of us. They don’t want us to organize. We can dismantle all of it, everything they use us to build for them. Only we don’t know how yet. The most we can do is organize ourselves to throw tantrums in the streets. For now.

This too shall pass.

The powers that be, the central bankers that own the Vatican corporation which is a franchise that owns everything, including us and our souls, know what our heritage is. They use our occult sciences against us. Instead of bridging to God, we are bridging to their monetary and political systems. They use their symbology as magic runes to communicate to our higher consciousness to make contracts with it. This is how they trapped us here with them.

These elites are ancient, they infiltrated the Vatican and made it a corporation. They subverted the Holy teachings because the Holy Bible is an encyclopedia of ancient cults and one of the greatest hermetic science textbooks of all time. Prior to hijacking that they hijacked the Egyptians. It isn’t exactly clear who they are, Sumerians? Atlantians? Some say reptilians that come from the world below ours. Ancient Ethiopians are the ones who discovered the word of God and the astrological system to bridge between worlds and they travelled to all corners of the earth to give that information to us because they knew what was coming. So it is said. Regardless, these ancient families are building a new re-legion around Big Pharma.

These elites were enlightened, they turned their back on God and decided to just serve themselves and enslave us all. They robbed us of our heritage and now they want to rob us of our inheritance, the world. This plane-net is our inheritance from God and it does not belong to Globalists. They’ve been at this for thousands of years. Anyway, they also need us to polarize with the truth so that we can bring their fictions to life. We are God-men, Generators, Operators and Destroyers. We are weapons of mass creation and so they even use spelling like black magic to get us to create for them. Spelling, as in spell casting. Casting as in casting a spell, media is broadcasting. The rabbit hole is not a whole, everything is right in front of us. You just have to be out of the trance to see it and hear it.

I like this song, I saw the video for the first time yesterday and sure enough, the occult that runs the world is hiding the truth in plain sight. The occult sciences are neutral. It’s not good or bad but the occult takes it to a dark place. We have the ability to use it ourselves and bring it to a light place. When you enter that society you are enlightened, you are told the truth. At a minimum, I just assume that those who enter that secret society are enjoying that truth. It’s not satanism, Satan is a literary character. It is Saturn they are celebrating and harnessing. Saturn gives the best gifts. Saturn is law and materialism, so to speak. The masculine that the occult wants to rule. They don’t need or want the feminine principle of God which is the ethereal, the spiritual. Wisdom etc. The sacred feminine is what is returning in this turning of the age.

In the video, I see the masonic floor tiles that represent duality and trapping us in it. The Egyptian Ankh represents eternal life. Also the feminine, it’s the ovaries and the womb. Women are womb-men. They bring life into this world. They’re raw power and sacred. Masculinity is fragile, femininity is not. To make masculine stronger they destroy and conquer the feminine. The two pillars are for king and priest. Also the physical body and the astral body. We exist as both. I see the scale of Osiris that they use which is Saturn, the ruler of the underworld. The bottom half of the Zodiac if you will. Where it is dark and cold. You can look at the logo for the IRS and see an eagle holding a scale until you look again and see the grim reaper. Everybody owes IRS, Osiris. On the scale, Osiris is weighing Doja’s heart against salts instead of a feather. That’s interesting, I assume those salts are the zodiac salts we are not conscious of. I see masculine and feminine between Doja and the Weekend. The Weekend is the cosmos, the higher self and Doja sinned, she sunk. She fell. Her heart was too heavy and she failed the test and Saturn, the lord of the rings, sent her soul back. The occult doesn’t want to ascend, they want to rule this world. Doja is reincarnated where she will continue to never feel whole because she is denying the part of her that is calling to her. The Weekend pours a jug of water, he is clearly Aquarius and represents this turning of the age. We just entered the Age of Aquarius and this is the information age. Our heritage returns to us. Our constitutions were written by enlightened people who knew the hermetic sciences and knew about this moment in time. However, we have forgotten who we are. The occult found a blind spot and made the sky the holy sea and the land their citizenships. We have been conquered for over a hundred years now. Civil law is ancient Roman law for conquered territory. We don’t have rights, just privileges they can take away. That’s not freedom. We are not conscious about what we are signing, we are consenting to everything. The world floods in this video. That could symbolize many things. A cleansing of the earth with the eugenic system we are being forced into? The Holy sea of commerce? Aquarius waking us up? “Blah Blah Blah” - Greta Thunberg

I’m bored this morning, apparently. I’m killing time waiting for Toni to leave for work so I can breathe.

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