No T No Shade in Current Events
- Oct. 5, 2021, 10:42 p.m.
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I have not heard from that other retail store yet about if they want to hire me part-time or not. They explained to me that they have a lot of candidates and so they would call them by the end of this week if they are selected. They would be crazy not to hire me but I won’t take it personally if they don’t. I have a few other places that I might try in my area if I don’t hear from them this weekend. I am, of course, somewhat limited on where I can apply because of these psychotic vaccine status.
I read the policies at my work and it does not support a vaccine passport. It does not support these mandates at all whatsoever, in fact. They will likely be updating their policies soon enough to make room for it. The writing is on the wall, my country is run by psychopaths who are supported by their sycophants. They’re just middle management for the real vile and profane people on this earth. I am preparing myself in any little way possible for that vaccine mandate. I learned how to provide them with a qualified signature instead of the standard open signature. Our signatures are agreements to participate in corporate jurisdictions, governments included (you either know that they’re foreign corporations or you don’t.) The qualified signature is simply putting WITHOUT PREJUDICE above your autograph. It protects your inalienable rights by making no promises to perform what you are signing. Thus, for example, if they try to require you do something to your body like participate in an experimental medical protocol or insert something into your body that you do not want like a PCR test they can’t accuse you of being in breach of contract and fire you over it because you never agreed to it. In government documents a qualified signature means you are exempt from public policy and remain as a private citizen.
I’m not usually emotionally incontinent but today was a weird one. I was flustered for no reason. My anxiety made my chest feel tight and my appetite was reduced and I barely ate on my breaks. I was irritable over everything and I was taking everything so personally. I will just jump on the retrograde bandwagon and blame the stars. What I do when I am like this is become very extroverted to distract myself from myself.
On my lunch breaks my lunches get a lot of attention. My food looks good, it’s well presented and it is inspiring to some because I eat so clean. It makes me blush because I don’t do any of it for attention. I usually just have my headphones on so that I can drown out any con-19 conversations as soon as they come up. I try and read my books but I am starting to become more social. There is a chart in the staff room with a giant animation of a thermometer which I used to explain to John what the big secret is that is hiding at the bottom of the rabbit hole. The real word of God is what is at the bottom of the rabbit hole but the reason they are hiding it is what I showed john on that picture. I told him to imagine it as our spines and I went from there. Explaining things to others and debating things helps me understand it better myself. Though, I don’t wan to put energy into debates. Just nuance dialogue is sufficient. He was in awe, he went on his phone and ordered the same book I was reading right away. I sent him a screenshot of other books explaining the allegories and parables every culture used to explain the stars. God-Man the Word Made Flesh is the book I explained to him.
I don’t want to polarize with the lies anymore. I don’t want to fight for truth I just want to be in it. To live it and just use it. Germs don’t cause disease, I am tired of pretending that they do for those superstitious germaphobes. We live on a stationary plane-net and I am tired of entertaining NASA cartoons and their shitty studio productions. We are not living people on the land, we are corporate fictions in a fictional containment field called the Civicus that we are being used to bring to life as God-men, the movie the Matrix is basically a documentary. God is not outside of us for we are all God experiencing himself and we can connect our consciousness to that upper-self and we are being re-legioned away from that truth, again, but this time into one universal religion that worships big pharma. Mainstream healthcare is the new system of priestcraft that we are being herded into. It’s cult following is radicalized. There is nothing new under the sun, this is the vaccine inquisition.
We out-picture everything, we are the measure of the universe and everything we believe to be true is designed to take us away from our true nature and heritage. Our inheritance from God is being stolen from us and they will have a short victory but it is written in the stars, by God, that we will win in the end. Everything is pre-programmed. Faith is hard to have right now though.
John’s Doctor refuses to take the clot shot. He actually looks at the data and can see that everybody “vaccinated” is not sick with covid but sick from the vaccine but just testing positive for it. There is a licensed one coming out and he will take that one because it does not have the mRNA. If I was forced to play vaccine roulette I would take my chances with that one as well. I can detox all the contents but not that one. John has a fake QR Code to just have something to show is friends and family at gatherings. Not everybody in his family are psychotic commies but he does cross paths with those virtue signalling elites and they like to rant about lining the unvaccinated up and shooting them. Denying them healthcare or putting them in camps… because these are good people? Replace unvaccinated with Jew and it is crystal clear the kind of monsters people like them are. Absolute disgrace. Not that I believe the history I was taught anymore after what I witnessed what the media did to Trump. I don’t trust any mainstream narrative.
Anyway, it’s late and I just wanted to sit at my computer again and write like old times. Blah.
This playlist was nice
Last updated October 05, 2021
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