Another Loss in Help Me Please
Revised: 08/21/2021 1:01 p.m.
- Aug. 21, 2021, 2 a.m.
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But it’s the best kind of loss I could ever have and it makes my end point so much more reachable. So after loosing 1.8 I have another 56 pounds to loose and when I loose that you will all know what I was before I started this journey.
I have realized that no matter what it is I can not eat in bed and I also have to just go by one serving and stay away from the sauces and gravies. And maybe eat more vegetables at dinner and maybe not eat the carbs? But how I love my carbs. But I have also started not putting butter or sour cream or the like on some of my carbs and just eating it plain with a little season salt.
And I need to eat only when I am hungry and then stop when I have had my one serving. Which means 4 hard boiled eggs are just too many for one sitting. two seems to be the best number.
The one thing I have never done was do any amount of exercise because unless I am going somewhere I just have no desire to do much else.
But I am stating to feel like I have more energy and can see the weight I have lost and even some of my underwear seems to fit better. So I need to do this nice and slow and not get discouraged when so little weight is lost. I do know that some weeks I won’t loose much and some I will stay the same. but the weird thing is the next week or two a whole pile of weight will come off so that tells me my body is changing which is a good thing.
And the cravings for salt and sugar are now gone and I don’t even think about them. And walking down the grocery isle where these things are I just wave and say “sorry guys not today.” and walk on.
Hubby has told me he can’t tell if I have lost weight or not but I think that is because he sees me everyday so maybe in another 10 pounds or so he will see something. Hopefully the way my clothes fit.
The difference this time with my journey I am not going to beat myself up for not loosing weight faster then I would like because this is not good for my mental state of being. The best thing I can do is just continue on and do what I have been doing. And I am not setting those large goals because the chances of me getting to them is slim to none so a little at a time and time will take care of the rest. And maybe this time around I can maintain my weight and not deviate when something horrible happens or I get depressed and feel ugly again. So here is to a future of contentment.
Onto something else.....
I finally found out why flies fly in circles and that is.....
When looking for a mate, flies will gather around a noticeable landmark such as a bush or under a tree. When indoors this is commonly under a lampshade or equivalent. Potential mates will head towards this landmark looking for candidates. Since flies are poor at hovering they will circle around the area.
Onto something else....
For dinner tonight we are going to have a whole chicken and I will roast it and we will have potatoes and carrots roasted as well. And by the time dinner is ready the football game should be on so people will have some entertainment while they are eating. And whatever team hubby wants to win I will take the other team then it is a good contest and some opposition.
My son isn’t coming this week so he will be here next week because this week hubby and I have some errands to do and not sure which day they will get done. And later after my walk I will be cutting the melons I got yesterday so we will have some fruit. I have been eating a lot of fruit lately and we seems to be running out of it a lot faster.
Well I need to start getting ready to go so I will stop here.....
be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe, and Behave.
Last updated August 21, 2021
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