Rough dry time rn in Aftermath

  • July 28, 2021, 3:24 p.m.
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I wish I could feel more motivated with my business but I don’t right now I’m getting one like on something that takes me at least 10 to 15 minutes to make I don’t want to waste my time

I don’t know the crystal series would be able to stop maybe I’ll continue with the Tarot one  once I’m not sure I mean I do like learning from myself but I don’t know I do know that people see things later on but wow I can’t get any immediate gratification and of any content that I make for free I don’t know if they view it or not if they view it like it just feels like leaching off my energy my time might work and I’m not being appreciated for it I’m not getting feedback for it I’m not getting bookings so what’s the f** point for me.

Not to say that I don’t like the community here and there and I don’t learn a lot it’s just that can only go so far especially when it’s not like oh my God they’re ride or  die for me and they want to get to know me more maybe I stick with tick Tock they’re shorter videos I don’t know it’s the other audience though that’s it that’s all I don’t know if I can try maybe maybe late 20s I need a early twenties to be able to pay what alert and just do smaller readings I don’t know

I have the dentist they’re going to scan my teeth should be good I think it’s just going to stand up and then get scanned hopefully we can do something afterwards maybe I don’t know maybe she can buy me something I don’t know I want to do something I want to get out

Otherwise I don’t know what I’ll be doing really.

Today I have my calendar to be careful about making decisions which hopefully I don’t have to make huge decisions

I’m thinking that Ottawa I already did like that is way too much of a long-term goal for me I don’t think it should be a short-term goal I think I need to move out of here because this is going to be a big transition I got to keep my optimism up hopefully things keep on going smoothly for me because I feel like I got to do this on my own and if things go good for me and my confidence gets up then I can look for a place and I can feel more positive and all that and hopeful but if it just goes s*** then these people can’t expect that it’s going to be easy for me to find a place if they’re not giving me help.

I went to this group last night called reconciliate our truth and it was about residential schools and stuff like that so Karen wasn’t there cuz they didn’t give her the invitation for that  (underhanded sort of, but she fakes being Indigenous for housing and manipulates POC and abused them)so I think it’ll be good for next week if I want to do that I’d rather do the seeking safety group to be honest with you I don’t like things to open it then it’s really awkward but.

Maybe I talk to sherry  about that at one point when this seeking safety ends BC I want to do the next one than.

Karen  probably not doing the seeking safety but I don’t want to join mid stream I’d rather wait till next one I guess.

I’m going to get a room thermometer to get the actual fucking temperature of my apartment, and hopefully Sherry actually does come here I think she underestimates these people.....I just hope for once someone has my back. Damn. ..

I think I should go to Dollarama at to see if u can find a room thermometer

1 day before August

Last updated July 28, 2021

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