Currently locked in... in Torridaussity Two
- Aug. 10, 2021, 5:57 p.m.
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My parents garage. I am so pissed I can’t even deal…so what am I doing… crying instead. I realize I never updated about what happened that sent me into a hysterical mess. A pipe blew at my childhood home which I am to move into in the next yesr and inherit someday once my parents pass. They inherited my grandfather’s house and live there. This house needs some work done to be liveable again and now needs so much more.. We didn’t know it burst for at least a week so many thousands of gallons of water flooded the upstairs into the basement. The house has to be completely emptied and part of it gutted. It is a severe undertaking thankfully because of insurance, a team comes in to document damages, destroyed items, pack, etc. But why I’m locked in the garage is because I came to see the progress on the house. A few days ago the garage door partially broke and you have to push it up to keep it going to open completely. I got in ok and shut the door, first mistake should’ve left it open. Went to enter the house and the crew has locked the door…we never lock it because we lost the key so now I can’t get in the house so I want to leave…well the button to the garage and the door are too far apart that it stops moving before I can push it open. So here I must sit for a half hour until my dad comes to open the door from the outside where you can push it up. I need a break seriously. I feel like work is draining me emotionally and financially. D is distant again but I have been too. We are to see each other Thursday. I asked him saying I’d be in his city for an appointment so I’d like to see him and his response was that’s cool I should be available. Why the hell can’t he make the choice now to say yes I’ll be available for you. The whole house issue. My brother was in and helped very little but had time to go to the gym. Now he wants his room packed up special. He could have done that while he was here, but it wasn’t a priority. I need a new car and can’t get one because I don’t make enough money to afford a car payment. It’s all hitting at once. How I am functioning at all is a miracle and solely due to God’s grace. I am to go away for labor day and it can’t come soon enough.
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