Harvest Time Begins in Everyday Ramblings
- July 25, 2021, 2:12 p.m.
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Himalayan Honeysuckle. Yes. We know it is a noxious weed in Australia. But it is rare here. We found this yesterday in a certified wildlife garden next to a conservancy up in the hills a bit south of here. The luscious dark berries are just coming on. Monty says, (in his latest book of reflections) that the birds eat the honeysuckle berries first. They know which ones last the longest.
This morning at the garden what kind of squash volunteered into my plot was revealed. It is a zucchini. This one grew amazingly fast. I’ll pick it on Tuesday. I picked a bunch of greens this morning, two kinds of chard and beet greens to give to Kes and Most Honorable who came up to visit.
And to split the avocadoes that came a few days ago in the second box for my birthday. The cats loved having visitors here, such a treat to have someone admire them. And Diego is having a good day anyway.
I had Most Honorable spot me up into a handstand. I was happy to know that most of the conditioning I did in the club, persists. I was showing him Turkish Get Ups, which currently are somewhat aspirational, but I was working with a good tutorial yesterday.
The problem yesterday was that I was tired. Mrs. Sherlock and I left for our hike at 9AM. It was 64 degrees but sunny. We parked in the shade. The book we got the hike from said it was 4 miles, but Mrs. Sherlock said she thought it was 6 miles. I wore sandals with not the greatest support, thinking, 4 miles no problem.
We’ve done this hike at least once before, three or four years ago. This time I wrote out all the directions leaving out all the historical stuff and points of interest stuff. It was so much easier to relax and enjoy everything that way. And why we saw the honeysuckle as we continue to try to learn the names of things.
It was 80 plus most of the way down. We gave Frieda water twice, but she was panting the last bit. Us humans were dragging a bit too and I wasn’t good for much other than a shower and a new murder mystery later in the day.
Hence the Turkish Get Up got nowhere. I’ll work on it in the next few weeks. It is usually done with a weight or a kettlebell. But the tutorial had me practicing with a shoe balanced on my hand. It is hard to take it all too seriously when you are doing that.
On Tuesday I am teaching an online class to the international United Airlines Wellness and Social Club. We did a tech run through on Thursday and I was nervous, but it went fine. The contact there in Chicago is professional and a joy. It is a good opportunity and if I am lucky, I hope to snag a couple of new students for my current classes. Wish me that luck if you are so inclined.
Of course, I didn’t finish my website, but I have an email address and the coordinator insisted I write up all the pertinent promotional stuff.
It is getting hot again here. We won’t get to heat dome temperatures, but we are expecting days of very hot weather. I am grateful the garden has that huge oak shading it. The tomatoes are growing, and the nasturtiums are going to seed.
There are some pretty dahlias around my plot that survived and are starting to look good. I picked some wild blackberries on my way home and there is going to be lots of passion fruit on the fence to pick in a couple of weeks.
And Diego is having a good day. Worth repeating, that.
Okay, I am off to see what comes after Turkish Get Ups. The description says…Restorative Floor Stretches… oh, that sounds good.
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