1/3 of faculty will no longer be employed in Tea at the Cabin in the Woods

  • May 31, 2014, 12:27 p.m.
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We were told to be at the mandatory faculty meeting to discuss very important changes to the college. First announcements were made about promotions - mine was included as a new Associate Professor - as well as about six others. Than the hammer fell. Retirement packages for voluntary retirement were offered. They began with 20 years service and age 58 and above, Age 55 and above regardless of years of service and 50 above. We were told that 1/3 of the faculty would be gone and if not enough people took the packages than there would be lay offs.

I met with the VPAA the following morning to find out if my job was at stack. He told me, "I do not want you to take a package." In other words, without saying it for legal reasons, my job was safe and I will need to take over the department since 2 of my colleagues in the department would be leaving.... We only had 4 in our department. Now I have to figure out how to restructure the department and find adjuncts to teach some of the courses offered for the fall. On the bright side, I still have a job.

The list of those leaving has not been issued as of yet. I am not happy about any this and will miss those who are leaving. We only have/had 60 faculty members and now we will be down to 40. Yes, we are a small college - but it appears we are getting smaller. YIKES! I only have another 5 or 6 years until I will want to retire. Let's hope in that time I can get things turned around and be ready to leave the place in better shape than I found it.

I will write more later... so much to process and so very saddened by the news...

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