maybe i shouldnt go back. in A Life Uncommon

  • May 3, 2014, 4:26 p.m.
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Okay so that's a liiiiittle extreme, but I totally am using filters to keep me from face book for the majority of the day when I do eventually make a return. I'm seeing the benefits and huge improvements already.

I am also seeing stars from my shoulder. :/ I have been delaying going to the doctor over my stupid body pains because they're just going to refer me out and give me drugs and tell me it's kind of a chronic thing that won't ever go away. And that's very depressing to hear, so while I "know" it, I am avoiding it being official.

The weather today combined with what I am guessing is either a pinched nerve or a strained muscle is making my left arm pretty limited in use. And when I do use it, to lift higher than shoulder level or to extend across my body sends pain through me that is....well it's not unbearable (I've handled some serious pain before) but it isn't fun and it takes my breath away. Wahhh.

It makes me a little bothered that it's me. Out of five children, it's me. I am the one with these idiopathic issues (they really arent idiopathic though when you recall my mom's fabulous drug habits while pregnant/nursing). Thanks, body, for failing me in tiny but annoying ways. Nothing ever stops me from accomplishing things, but they sure do make it hard and uncomfortable. You try giving birth without the ability to curl up into yourself. Or doing yoga with only hip and neck flexors. Or managing super kinky positions in bed. kicks rocks, moves on

With all of grumps now out, on the plus side Jack and I are going out to grab some dinner and bullshittery this afternoon. I'm glad for that . We have been trying to be alone together at least a few hours a week. This hasn't really been accomplished in three weeks now, so it's overdue. I'm excited :) I get to plan an outfit and do my hair while the kids nap.

If they ever nap.

They were both up and down all night, Joshua being the worst offender. He's super sensitive today as a result, so I think we both need him to nap so that we can both recharge some.

I think I'm out of naptime ramblings, so...later :)

Soulslulluby May 03, 2014

I miss you. I get it though. ::hugs::

Life.Uncommon Soulslulluby ⋅ May 08, 2014

I miss you <3

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