some kinda progress in Second 1st

  • June 16, 2021, 7:31 a.m.
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I’m home today but I went to work. There is a lack of things to do and he took volunteers so I left. Here I complain about money and Rocky not working and I go home every chance I get. It’s honestly the principal of the matter to me. I should be able to go home when I can/want to rather than because I can’t focus/nausea/dizzy/migraine.... besides that… when the E-fund is nearly nothing maybe Rocky will be more inclined to get back to work.

Progress on that is..... well it’s not nothing.... but it’s not work either.... Yesterday he spent 4 hours outside doing real work (occasionally coming in to cool off and drink) and only had mild trouble with his chest near the end of it. Sunday we put together my grandma’s table and he’d had no trouble at all. Unfortunately, it’s about to come to a halt.....

The manager at Game Stop called yesterday to let Rocky know they got in some more of the new XBox..... so he will go pick his up today. I can’t stop him from playing but there isn’t money for games until he gets back to work so......

I feel like I had a lot to day before I typed that out.... honestly I’m feeling a bit dizzy this morning so I’m glad to be home..... and without using FMLA.

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