A little bit beautiful in A new era

  • May 12, 2014, 2:01 a.m.
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  • Public

I'm in the airport, Spain bound, but needed to get this down before I went.

My grandad came home from hospital yesterday, for therapy at home. He's mobile, still with no speech but his cognition is improved.

I was sat at their table, ploughing through their life stories for their holiday insurance claim, they had a cruise booked for their 60th wedding anniversary next month which they've had to cancel. My grandad was watching the tv, the Liverpool match, and when you'll never walk along came on, he clearly sang 'you'll never walk alone'. Just those four words but I understood every one of them clear as day. I promptly burst into tears, he didn't even know what he'd done, or the impact it had had on me.

A victory, I feel, and I can go away with a heart as light as a feather.


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