meds update? silly work things in Second 1st

  • May 7, 2021, 4:11 a.m.
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I’m eating soup for breakfast.... feeling a bit off like actually sick. It would be just a cold but honestly.... I’m feeling better this morning than I do most mornings.

There are too many people at work now, preparing for a weekend shift but not being able to do so because Nissan has reduced there orders.... because of the capacitor shortage… apparently effecting industry hard core. So currently moving to weekend shift has been pushed back a month (and revision is likely). That being said there were 8 people on a 4 people job on Wednesday. Neither of the 2 lines were running because of trials for our next battery.... which I know nothing about because plantwide meetings are thing of the past. I digress....

So Wednesday I’d worked in export doing some pretty physical stuff and they finished trials by lunch so we started the line. At some point I’d flagged down the fork lift driver and asked if he could “get us some more of these flat foam pieces” he automatically responded with “How many you need?”..... everyone started laughing. I was confused but after the forklift driver drove off to get the foam they asked me why I needed side pieces.... must not be getting at home and whatnot.... was good times… everyone swears I asked Allen for some side pieces.... even Allen.... super funny and will likely have a rumor started over it lol

At some other point Kurt (he’s a buff guy, very attractive btw) said “Pull it out” and I managed to throw in a “That’s what she said” that had him cracking up as he’s the only one who heard it. lol good times, good times.

That being said.... even after 1/2 the day being able to sit after the morning work I did not feel well when I left. I really thought I would have to call out Thursday as it was that feeling.... I’d held off any emergency meds because I was so positive I’d be bad off in the morning and I can only to a round every 24 hours..... HOWEVER, I woke up amazingly not feeling like trash. I could not convince myself to stay home.... lol I tried just to see if I could.... but I was feeling too well.

I went to work and ended up in export all day. There were only 4 of us.... 2 hard workers and 2 medium workers. We went home 30 mins early..... so I spent a few moments updating Kevin on how things are going with meds and whatnot. I am excited that not only did I make it through but I don’t feel horrible this morning.... tired like I worked hard.... I would say in the last 6 months that just hasn’t happened. It’s been more like my head is fucked and I’m going to go lay down at the preset time and my head gets bored with my eyes closed and I sleep. Not the same, just both result in sleep.

I have to increase the dose tonight, wanted to note progress though because if there are any problems down the road I’d like to be able to say to doc “Hey, 3 a night causes x but when I was taking 1 a night I saw that x....” or the negatives.... like was it second… or third night when I woke up to visit the porcelain.....

Other than that.... I’ve almost caught up on Critical Role.... as caught up as I can be. Sammy has his last exams today and then we move him in over the weekend.... sometime as we have no schedule yet. I’d asked Rocky to message Sammy last night but I won’t hear about it until Rocky get up IF he did. Sammy has to be in Ohio by Monday morning .....
Rocky did get with Eddie (the neighbor) and took the trash that we had in the van and some things Eddie had. I told Rocky to give him $20 for the help as we had a few large items from pallet stuff but He’d talked to Eddie and Eddie also had some things to go so it came out as a wash… which of course was great saving us the $20.

After I post this I’m going to start the pokeball for the Gengar I’d made. I’m 100% positive that I’m going to have to modify a much smaller patter so this will be a real task. Probably a ton of making and taking apart but I’m hopeful to have a pokeball with a Gengar in it on the bed for Sammy when he goes to bed the 8th.... or 9th.... cute/fun surprise. :)

That’s it for now… looks pretty positive :)

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