Sailing in Current Events

  • May 17, 2021, 9:05 a.m.
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I just got off the phone with my sister. My niece is not taking it well, the lockdowns. She misses her friends at school and has been acting out. She’s only five, these are confusing times for her. We are the generation that hates children. That is our legacy. The lockdown class are the new NAZI supporters and the consequences of blindly obeying the system will be absolutely catastrophic for them. They still don’t deserve it, that which is being done to them. I gave my sister some suggestions of whom to try and have playdates with. I’ll come around more to visit with her, my niece and my nephew. It goes against public health guidance but Health Canada does not make the laws. Trudeau doesn’t get to pass laws through Twitter. I’ll rescind a ticket if they bother. The snitch culture hasn’t been too bad in my city. The great conflict is absolutely coming though. It has to. All the competing paradigms cannot coexist and those cleaving to the old one are in the way. There is no going back to normal.

Jagmeet Singh, the gremlin leader of the NDP is declaring anti-vaxxers far-right extremists. That is rich. The domestic terrorists are those in parliament. The UN is talking about the struggle of trying to talk the intellectuals into taking the vaccine. It is a concern for them that there are individuals who will actually read the medical literature and get discernment on their own and not just trust the science like it’s some virtue to blindly follow orders. Luckily they own the media and can just paint the intellectuals as the problem. When the idiots die off from the gene therapy, what is their plan exactly? I honestly don’t know. Concentration camps, obviously are a part of this genocide. The CCP makes a killing off of it. The central banks realized they missed an opportunity in NAZI Germany. Anyway, the media will spin everything backwards. This way the truth is in it. They need us to polarize with the truth so that we can make the fictions real. This is why everything is backwards. We are in the upside-down.

Once you dip into the rabbit hole you start to discover that we are in the upside-down. They make the truth the lie and the lie the truth by repeating the lie endlessly to legitimatize it. This is how they make the criminals the heroes and the heroes the criminals. The disease is the cure and the cure is the disease. You can dig deeper and see that Astrology (Astro logos) is the word of god and the re-legions are the devil. The sky is the holy sea of commerce and the lands are citizenships. Those who learn the truth and want to flip things right-side are up are the new blasphemers. The cable news suicide cult is cleaving to the old paradigm which is dying and they are all going to die with it. They’re too brain-damaged from their irresponsible lifestyles to see the danger they are in. Our governments want to build back better and that does not include them. Those waking up to what this matrix is and to who we are want to build back better also. These cleavers, those spiritually dead fake news junkies, are in our way also but we don’t want them to die, we want them to wake up or get out of the way. We’re trying to help but the cognitive dissonance hurts them too much so they feel attacked. The social conditioning is too strong with them also, they don’t have the self-esteem or self-respect to think freely. They’re spiritually dead.

Gen X is particularly disturbed. I feel so bad. The system was working for them. They’re trying to get us to join them in their suicide cult and take the vaccine because they think it will magically bring things back to normal for them. I want that for them too but that’s not where this citizenship is going. They can’t seem to understand why we are resisting the vaccine. To them, the vaccine means things get to be normal. That power is with us, it’s been with us all along. The narrative they’re fed is that those who do not get the vaccine are why things can’t go back to normal. The classic us vs them stage of genocide. They’re too brain-damaged, I mean that literally. Our food is poisoned, our water and air are poisoned and our healthcare is poisoned… they don’t have the brain health and gut health to think things through. It’s so painful to watch what they are doing to themselves and to society. I don’t want this for them. I want them to wake up. They’re in a trance, they have learned helplessness.

This video inspired some hope. We just entered the golden age. The age of Aquarius. Our heritage always comes back. Leonardo Davinci hid it all in his works, for example. We too are about to have the same renaissance. In the golden age before the last one, we consolidated all the cults. The helios gnostics made an encyclopedia of all the cults and wrote the greatest science textbook of all time. The Holy Bible. It will be taught correctly this time around. The old paradigm has to die first. We are all grieving the old belief structures. The banksters that own the Vatican corporation are trying to hijack that from us. We were just crowned by god. Our corona, our crown chakra. We are going to start waking up to who we truly are. The truth will resonate with those who are meant to know it. Those who did enough good deeds will wake up to witness it. Christ is returning but not in the way the ones who were re-legioned believe. Christ is consciousness, Gods children will start living consciously again. We will have to break from this matrix first. This awakening is the coronavirus they have us agreeing to stop.

I have the self-awareness to see how cult-like this video looks to outsiders. Speaking of cults, the banksters are switching to a new cult it seems. Medical $cience. It’s got all the same components but first, we must understand that mainstream healthcare is using a scientific method to a scientific theory that was never been scientifically proven. It will never be proven because terrain theory refutes it. Virus demons are superstition. You have your church clinics giving salvation, doctor priests, and nurse nuns performing exorcisms from demonic infections, the new possessions. The vaccine schedule is the new baptism. We sanitize our hands like holy water to ward off the germ demons. Health is the new quest for salvation. A new vaccine is a new messiah. Anyone not living in submission to the medical Taliban is a heathen, they’re anti-$cience. Questioning the doctors is blasphemy, it’s misinformation. If you can debunk their science then you are a conspiracy theorist which is the new heretic. The whole thing is a cult. A death cult. A suicide cult. If you can’t question the science then what you have is a belief system.

Germ theory is a hoax. Symptoms mean you are healing, they are not the disease. You work with them, not against them. Doctors are attacking your immune responses. 14% of your body weight is bacteria. Germs eat dead things in your body. Cancer is a fungus that eats dead tissue. Your body makes proteins to help detox and remember, your doctors scoop those up and believe that those are the virus demons. They vaccinate you and now you can’t build that protein. You don’t have junk DNA you have a toolbox. The cause of almost everything comes from healthcare. Their whole system degrades your physiology so they can keep you coming back to their church clinics so they can sell medicine and treatments. No cures, ever. The medicine is the disease. The huge delay is why they get away with it. The doctor priests will gaslight you and tell you that it’s your body’s fault. It’s genetics. The curriculum literally comes from the German pharmaceutical company Hitler used for biochemical warfare. John D. Rockefeller subverted healthcare once he discovered petroleum could be made into highly addictive, patentable drugs. He replaced it with a counterfeit, one based on pseudoscience.

Blah, whatever. Nobody cares lol. It was a good day today. I did next to nothing. I ended a 24 hour fast. I made Toni and I sweet potato wedges, seasoned with cumin, curry, and garam masala. Chickpea burgers, I made a spicy tomato chutney for them with kalonji seeds, mustard seeds and cumin seeds, and jaggery. A coconut yogurt sauce with fresh mint, cucumber, cilantro, and lemon zest. I used that in a salad. Instead of croutons, I made crispy chickpeas, also south Asian flavored. I haven’t thrown down in a kitchen all year I believe. I finally don’t have to compete to use a kitchen. This apartment is starting to feel like home.

Tomorrow will be a weird one at work. My boss has to extend her holidays, apparently. A close contact tested positive for con-19. Again. Post-vaccine. Nobody seems to be able to think that through. Within their pseudoscience, if you put what the tests are looking for inside you or if you survived what the tests are looking for, then what did we expect from looking for it again? I’m going to challenge the mask “mandate” tomorrow. They don’t get to make medical decisions for me. I don’t expect them to stand up against the guidance but the blue medical masks are soaked in chemicals. If I can taste them long after my shift then it is in my lungs. I am going to try and compromise with using my own face covering. It’s not about science, I can debunk that with the box they come in. Here in Iranada it’s about losing self-respect. They will ask for a doctor’s note, I will have to explain that my doctor also does not make my medical decisions for me. We’ll see what happens… man, I just spotted the social conditioning with that one. The doctor priests have way too much authority in our lives. Fuck that cult bone dry. Medical tyranny is exactly where this is going. That house of cards is starting to crumble, however. The conspiracy theories are starting to bubble up into the media about Fauci. We’ll see. I just have to have faith that this end-times is preprogrammed and we do win. It’s just going to get real ugly first.

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