At the Potty Every Half Hour in 2014
- April 29, 2014, 3:27 p.m.
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I have goals for my children this Summer. The first one for Ian is that he is potty trained. My number one motivation for this is to save money, but also so that I know when he turns 3 in September and is supposed to move into the Preschool room at church (which he loves because he gets to play in there on Wednesdays) he can. So I made the decision that today will be day number one of three days with no diapers and at the potty every half hour. This morning we had lots of activity, but the last 4 trips have resulted in no action. He does a tremendous job of staying dry for hours, and always wakes up dry in the morning, so it doesn't really surprise me, but I still want him to "get" that visiting the potty all day is a necessity.
I quit my job yesterday. I hate saying it like that because it really sounds like a bad thing. But it was honestly very peaceful and encouraging. My boss was not mad and was not shy about conveying that she is disappointed and said more than once that it was unfortunate because I was doing really well, and I was a perfect fit for the job. She did say that she thought of ways that working from home could work, but she just wasn't comfortable with it. And so while a little part of me is disappointed, I am also relieved. I put this whole situation in God's hands and I am confident that He had this, and that what he has for me fully dedicated at home will be enough.
Side note, this is Scott's first month without a safety net commission wise because for training he had a guaranteed amount. He just got confirmation that he is $150 over that guarantee, and he has 2 more days to sell. I am so very happy about that! And so is he.
My goal for Salem is that she becomes a more responsible child. I know that she is only 8, but I do so much for her. And I know I shouldn't be comparing my kids to someone else's, but my friend Danielle (she has 5) has had her children doing real everyday chores from the time they turn 5, and they are all wonderful, respectful children. Not only do they do dishes and vacuum, they also do their laundry and put it away. Salem doesn't do any of this. She doesn't pick out her own clothes. I feel like my wanting to take care of her and baby her is hurting her. So, today I am making a chore list for her daddy to approve and bring home for her. I want to teach her how she can help me with the laundry and how to do dishes. It is very important to me that she learns how to put her clothes away, even if I have to fold them first. She is so incredibly smart and I have nothing to complain about when it comes to her grades, but she is easily bored and quick to complain about things when she is unhappy, and I really think its because she earns very little that she has, and a lot is given to her. I don't want her to have this mentality anymore.
So……… we were under tornado watch last night. That was fun. Not exactly scary because I have nothing to report other than crazy loud thunder (which we've already experienced) and massive winds. I know we are supposed to continue to have the storms through tomorrow, but I really need to sit down and watch the news because I don't know if we are supposed to be back under tornado watch. Right now or level of storm activity is basically non existent. I'm irritated because Scott insisted that Salem needed to stay home today. I understand because we are not familiar with these weather patterns, but has not stopped for the children of Georgia before us coming here, and hasn't today either. At some point we just have to say "ok, this is life now." Based on what I see out my windows, she should totally be in class right now.
It's potty time!
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