realization in A Life Uncommon

  • April 12, 2014, 1:43 p.m.
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Last night Jack was on an overnight (second one this week, I really dislike them) and they stopped in at a bar. He was slightly tipsy and drunxting me love notes. Kinda adorable.

He also told me that his cousin is hired!!! Step one of the dream is complete! I am so happy, because even if we can't get land, even if nothing else of that plan works out, Jack gets his best friend and we get family to enjoy! We are very like minded and get along well and in really think our kids are going to love being close.

I am trying hard to simmer and not count it all as done. I think the next step is finding land for us, or at least Tom and his family. So...thank you, Universe, for hearing me and finding my wishes important. Thank you for responding. I am voicing the next step now.

In other news I put the DDP yoga away and started doing some basic yoga. I enjoy it more, because it is more spiritually focused and not physically focused. The basis is the same (engaging muscles, pushing through rough spots, paying attention to your body) but the wording is more relaxing. I find it easier to push through some harder stretches with someone gently reminding me that my foundation needs to push away from the earth than with someone telling me to "lock it down".

I think that's all I've got to ramble about for now. :)

Teflon Superhero April 14, 2014

lol I just imagined a giant ass yoga instructor slamming down beside you on the floor going "LOCK IT DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWN!!!" xD

Sagittarienne April 17, 2014

got any recs for good prenatal yoga vids?

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