Deciding takes Time in Help Me Please
Revised: 04/09/2021 2:35 p.m.
- April 9, 2021, 7 a.m.
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How do you decide which is the better choice when there is more then one and they are all basically the same? Like if you can get something from a pharmacy or from the province or state? I can get my Covid shot right now from a pharmacy but it’s the AstraZeneca or I can wait till it’s my turn to get the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. the thing about the AstraZeneca vaccine that it’s only 75% effective and there has been some side effects that seem to be really scary and the more I think about those the more I want to wait. But then I could be right now and only have one shot and be done with it.
I did ask my mom and she said she would wait and get the two shot one. But then she told me it’s really up to me and because she doesn’t know how I feel about either one of them I need to decide for me. And she is right. I have a really hard time deciding and I keep going back and forth and then it takes me more time. But then there are the experts and they are the ones who can make the deciding easier. But then the question is which expert do I ask? Do I ask the province or the pharmacy or do I ask the 1-888 number people? Knowing me I will be asking all three of these people just to make sure I am making the right choice for me.
Onto something else....
You remember that on going joke that went something like this…
Spring has sprung the grass has riz I wonder where Lorena is? And I wonder if her husband is functions like a man? But then that is what you get when the wife or girlfriend finds out if you were cheating because no matter the relationship adulty is just wrong and if it were me I would have just cut his thing off and flushed it down the toilet. I have never ever had any man cheat on me so I am not sure what I would do. But then the other side of the coin is what do you do when the wife or girlfriend cheats? Cut her boobs off? Or something else?
I would think the best thing to do is just leave and take everything with you including the house and his car. I think it’s better to leave and give him nothing and then throw him to the wolves when the court case comes around.
Onto something else....
I heard that once you get your first vaccine that you can have a semi normal life with others who have had their vaccines and I think you have the right to ask if they have had their and they need to show you proof. I think that will be a good start to “normalcy” But you need to wait two weeks be after the second vaccine. I hope that people will have to prove that they have has the vaccines till the world has had theirs. And then the life we use to know will be back. By the way Dr. Fauci said this but not the part about proving if you have had it.
Onto something else.....
Here in B.C. people are getting sloppy and not seeming to care about the restrictions because now we have more then 1000 new cases and two more have died. When will people just do what they are told to do? But I think it serves them right for getting sick and dying because if they followed the restrictions and the rules we would have no cases at all. The doctors do know what they are talking about and people need to listen to them.
Onto something else.....
I need to stop here.....
Enjoy the day and be kind, be safe and be calm and behave.
Last updated April 09, 2021
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