Food in Help Me Please
Revised: 04/06/2021 2:25 p.m.
- April 6, 2021, 7 a.m.
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it seems the older I get the less I care about what I eat and then there are days I look at food and don’t want to eat it. Maybe it’s my cooking or maybe my tastes are changing. But the one thing I still like to eat is chicken. As long it’s the dark meat and has the skin on it And my ultimate favorite way is fired in gobs of oil and has flour on it but for the last 20 years or so it’s been baked in the oven and on something that can drain the grease and the fat.
I eat other things too but those are getting to be tasteless also but I know they are better for me. Liked steamed carrots and steamed broccoli and baked potatoes but my only way of eating potatoes is with margarine or butter on them and when I have sour cream that too. And then there is the rice. But even flavoured rice doesn’t excite me any more.
the two things I still really like but limit myself is salt and sugar. But then there are things that have less salt and less sugar but they are not as tasty. The best way for me to get my cravings is if I actually make it myself then I know how much of everything I put in and if I want I can always add less.
I often wish i didn’t have to eat then I would be losing all of my weight in a week and I would feel great but then there are all those medical complications and then I would still have to gain weight so it’s a lose lose thing.
The one thing I can never get enough of is black coffee. it’s the only thing other then diet pop and water that has no calories or anything else that will kill you, well the diet pop might in some years down the road but by then I will be too old to care. But I need food so maybe the best thing is to eat everything in moderation and stay away from the salt and sugar oh and to move more.
Onto something else....
Well the holiday is done and there are even more cases of Covid and even more cases of the variant. And one of our restaurants have been ordered not to open because of the new restrictions and if they do they will be getting their licence taken away and won’t be able to open another restaurant anywhere in B.C. for 5 years and also maybe go to jail. And the churches had out door service so there will be more cases coming soon. And our ICU’s is almost at capacity and all of Toronto is locked down again and they are closing the schools again. Why can’t people just stay home and wait to get vaccinated and then the restrictions will be lifted? Both countries have gotten more then 500 new cases and almost 100 new cases in the ICU so people are doing something wrong.
The only thing I can say is if you are stupid enough to be with others then yes hope you get Covid and suffer it serves you right. these restrictions are here because our governments don’t want people to die. But then there are some places in the USA where the governments don’t care if you live or die and that is just wrong. People should be a lot smarter then the governments. Anyways it is wat it is and I guess death isn’t an issue.
Onto something else....
I really need to start looing this weight. I feel like I am one of those circus freaks and everyone is laughing at me and I don’t like the feeling so starting today is when I start eating more healthy and less of everything.
Time for life to start such as it is and I will be happy and I will care a lot more....
be safe, be kind and be calm and behave.
Last updated April 06, 2021
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