Making Life Simple in Help Me Please
Revised: 04/05/2021 9:58 a.m.
- April 5, 2021, 3 a.m.
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Have you ever thought that maybe there is a much easier way to do things? Why is it we make things so hard and so time consuming?
Like the other day I went to clean the bathtub and I used a mop and it did a pretty good job and I didn’t have to bend down and wonder how I was going to get back up. But the down side of using a mop is that you need to use a lot more cleanser and maybe a clothe for the sides. So maybe using a mop isn’t a good idea. And also using a mop for the toilet works pretty good too, well I think so. But then you need to sanitize the mop and I can do that.
Onto something else....
Here is a question for you? Why is it they say raising children is the most thank less job with no benefits? Who ever said that was really wrong and needs to be shot. I raised my son and I guess in a way I am still raiding him and I am the only one who can see the kind of job I did and I think it’s the only job I have actually finished and I can see the kind of person he turned out to be. And the benefits are so great and I got to see all the firsts and I will get to see everything in between. Un like my ex who left when my son was 10 and then died not too long ago. dad’s and fathers really need to fight harder to be with their children because they miss so much. And even the weekend dads miss a lot.
Onto something else.....
Why is it when we get a job that if we have to use our brains our pay seems to be a lot lower then those jobs we have to use our bodies like in construction? Don’t employers think that the brain hurts just as much as the body? I think it should be the same pay and then we won’t have to live pay check to pay check and maybe even have some savings? Have you ever thought how much you would need to be living in away where money was not always an issue? And you don’t need to wait 6 months before you can go on that trip you always wanted to go on? But then you really do have to be thankful for what you do have and consider yourself lucky that you have what you have.
I think the more money people have the more evil they become and treat others accordingly because if they can do this then they can’t do that and it’s just not fair.
Why can’t everyone just be treated the same no matter what they have or don’t have? I still don’t know the answer to that one but maybe one day I will find it.
Onto something else....
Life is really very simple but we seem to always do everything like the way someone taught us and as the years go on we never change. And if you work with it then it’s always easy.
Okay it’s time for me to stop here.....
Do enjoy your day and please be safe, be kind and be calm and most importantly behave.
Last updated April 05, 2021
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