UK/New Zealand/Australia folks: Language question! in one day i will organize my books good
- Dec. 4, 2020, 8:16 p.m.
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I’m gonna go ahead and NOT type this word in a public entry, but here’s my question:
The C word. Is it generally aimed at men? Women? Both genders equally?
Do you feel the insult itself has anything to do with femininity? in the way the word “p*ssy” is meant to imply a man is acting like a woman, does the C-bomb have the same vibe?
I have never asterisked a curse word before in my life, does this mean I’m an adult or that I’m old?
Anyhoo, thank you for your insights!
OH ALSO: If you respond and I don’t know you, can you tell me what country you’re from/in? (Only if you want!) I’m interested to see if there are different connotations in different locations.
I guess I should also say that this is a linguistics question, not a political one! I just think language is super interesting, particularly slang.
Okay that’s enough caveats thank you and goodnight
Last updated December 04, 2020
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