COVID-versary in Talk Radio

Revised: 03/05/2021 3:01 p.m.

  • March 5, 2021, 12:12 p.m.
  • |
  • Public

things that were happening to me this time last year

  • I was sanitizing the counter every hour, people thought I was insane.
  • We were sold out of sanitizer, then TP, and I was encouraging people who asked for sanitizer to stock up on soap.
  • I stole a package of hand sanitizer with a broken pump from the damage return bin because there was none to be found anywhere.
  • I went in for what I knew was my last haircut. The lady who has been cutting my hair for years and knows my style, she is from China. We discussed how fucking mean and prejudiced people had been to her.
  • People with cushy work-at-home jobs came to buy shit for their home office while I considered continuing my “essential” work in a pandemic, a job that paid me less than $12/hr.
  • That weekend, the virus hit Dayton, and I put in my last shift in a store near OSU campus– where I expected the virus to hit first, due to the student population there being densely populated and well-traveled. Since nobody at work was taking it seriously, I decided to leave.

but a meme circulating today: This was the last normal week of our lives and nobody knew it.

I honestly can’t even– this whole year has been such an outrage in how little our population pays attention or cares.

revision for the inclusion of Arnold statue with mask, as seen on Reddit from my pandemic hidey-hole

Last updated March 05, 2021

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