Every bitch has a day in Talk Radio
- May 10, 2021, 4:51 p.m.
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Been wondering if I should say anything about ABA. I haven’t been there. I’ve done some research, and I could compile it, but I’ve never run into it so I would have nothing to add. Nothing to add other than my opinions I guess, which are great to be fair, SO LET’S CUT TO THE CHASE.
I think ABA is fundamentally bad, for many of the same reasons I dislike the school system. Suppression of stimming and other objectively harmless autistic “behaviors”. So I left a comment for a known Terrible Autism Mom (we’ll just call her Tammy).
I follow many pages that known to be terrible. If they are consistently bad, I’ll usually shut up and observe them. I’m not always silent, but I consume a lot of content. I’d say I pick battles because I only choose a few of them. I wouldn’t say that when it comes to groups or public figures that I am picky about it. If I do get anxious writing a spicy post, I am mostly ignored in the end, so that’s an endless source of confidence. (seriously. why worry about posting stuff no one notices?) There were thousands of positive comments on the page, so I didn’t expect Tammy or anyone to notice me.
Something something I don’t have anything better to do on mother’s day; I don’t give a shit about Mother’s Day. I would have liked to say something ominous about it. “If you can’t listen to autistic adults, your children won’t give a shit about mother’s day either!” I wonder if that was the fear that motivated her to acknowledge me also on Mother’s day.
When it comes to Tammy, ad-hominem arguments should be the winning argument.
In general, hypocrisy should be supporting evidence. Obviously, it is not conclusive evidence. but it’s relevant and it’s suppressed because we can’t out the guilty. On the grounds of unsubstantiated claims we collectively refuse to investigate the claims.
I kind of had the same problem with Joss Whedon. I was unable to cite gossip that I believed. I had to make the argument on sexism in writing of his female characters alone. It still upsets me when I watch it. If I were not so sure for a reason I couldn’t share, it would have been easier to speculate. Whedon was a role model male feminist for so long.
OK, but unlike Joss Whedon who was still exposed in the end, the claims of ABA are far more substantiated. The problem is abusing children is something parents & institutions have a right to do. Within certain limits. To claim ABA abuse is fundamentally challenging the most abuse-permissive & conservative segments. Boomers were actually normalized to beating with belts. To fight ABA is arguing with boomer-era, if not actual boomers, concept of what child abuse is. The same types of people who would not vaccinate will not believe the research on abuse, either.
We still argue about spanking children. So how autistic advocates expect to get anywhere with ABA, I really do not know. It’s not a great opportunity for wokes to skold technically trained therapists who are still less abusive than at least 40% of cops.
But if ABA, then why not also take on the school system? I do not think that the typical woke autism advocate wants to do this. ABA might be worse, but ABA has also softened over time. If we argue what ABA is, coerced assimilation if not forced, is fundamentally abuse… not merely an extreme that becomes an abuse… THEN the school system becomes logically implicated in the same types of abuse.
But ABA being the main target when schools are so much bigger just makes me feel weird. Especially since so many of them would despise that I am a bad revolutionary.
<tin foil="" hat="">The psyops have succeeded and it’s going to be barbarism</tin> I’m just so depressed! lol adulting amirite??
The thing Tammy said that got to me– “autism advocates are difficult.” and I think that message will actually sink better than the truth. This is the narrative flip of individualism. The result is…personalizing systemic marginalization, what else?
Autistic people who consider themselves “high functioning” resist resentment of power structures the same way temporarily embarrassed millionaires do. Because for them, resentment of power is admission of failure. They are natural allies to autism moms like Tammy, especially with “low functioning” kids, using medical jargon to rationalize abuse. This is part of a process for medical institutions weaponized against disabled people.1
Becoming a difficult and angry advocates is becoming someone for them to feel better than. Lately I’m afflicted with a lot of anxiety that what I am doing only serves to make things worse. Imposter syndrome of the shitposter I guess.
incidentally, this is why I don’t like the woke advocates claim that autism is not a disability. Even though I do prefer neurodivergent, as a description. The fundamental question on the truth of what is disabled or just different when we all just need any type of break we can get, seems… not good. ↩
Last updated June 21, 2024
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