Calm Before The Storm in Spiritual Journey

  • Feb. 12, 2021, 3:17 p.m.
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I think there is a shift happening in the collective consciousness. Over the past few days, people’s energy seems to be low, for the most part. People seem to be mentally, physically and spiritually drained. I thought it was just me but that was a common theme everywhere I looked. I think the lightworkers are in a “protect our light” mode. I was brainstorming a little bit with some of them yesterday, lightworkers. I brought this observation up because I am trying to understand what this shift is. It feels familiar to me, it feels like the death of a belief structure. Cognitive dissonance tries to protect us from this very pain and I put myself through it all of the time. It hurts physically, mentally and emotionally when you lose a fundamental belief. I think some belief structures are being torn down right now, I just don’t know what they are exactly.

Not everyone is going to make it, they’re not going to wake up. I’ve written the majority of Gen X and boomers off as you know. They’re not digitally literate enough and don’t care enough to evolve at all whatsoever. The old system was working out for them, generally speaking. The millennial wound is us waiting for our turn to be in control and I believe that a lot of us wanted this whole system to come down. Those of us who have explored our dark side and/or have done our shadow work. Anyway, those trying to expand I believe are going through a dark night. My theory is that a lot of those in the collective are starting to realize that they’ve misplaced their hope. They’re waiting for a saviour, a politician, a vaccine and even a literal messiah to come and make everything better. I think they’re starting to understand that nobody is coming to save us, we have everything we need to save ourselves. 2021 is going to be about resilience and I think on some level people are starting to realize that we are on our own.

It was also brought up in our little brainstorm that the collective is also realizing that they are not going back to normal. Our lives were disrupted a year ago and we acquiesced all of our rights and I think a lot of us, who are still in denial about what is happening, are at least starting to get a whiff of reality. Things don’t feel right, they don’t add up. Things are wrong. I think it’s sinking in that we are going to have to fight to get our rights back. Of course, there are those who still want to cleave to the fake news because it’s easier to fool them than to convince them that they have been fooled. They are blindly trusting authority and the majority of them will be dead within five years or a complete burden on society. Stupid choices win stupid prizes and they choose to be brainwashed. Our governments don’t care about us and our news is not honest, we are adults and we should be able to handle the truth.

Humanity has a lot of karma to work through in the collective. It has a lot of shadow work to do. I feel like my own personal journey gave me the ability to innerstand the collective. When people talk about the term empath, a lot of people think of it as some magic woo-woo. To me, it is just a tool that helps me innerstand others. I am not my mind, body or emotions. There is a weird obsession with narcissists from these empaths and I think they need to realize that narcissism is not separate from us. It’s also a tool. It allows me to innerstand even deeper because I can explore the dark side. Pathological narcissists are a foil to us, they are also born out of darkness but they chose a different path. We cannot repair them. We can only learn from them. A lot of these empaths are not actually empathic at all, they’re just hypersensitive. They’re covert narcissists. A lot of us have been socially conditioned to be so. I’ve had that programming, that brainwash and so this allows me to innerstand, outerstand and understand that much deeper. There are a lot of limiting beliefs in the way and I’ve broken through a lot of those barriers. I want humanity to transcend those as well. Everybody is trying to be the best [insert identity here]. You can’t expand into make-belief if you want to become whole and holy. We can only expand into ourselves. That’s what we are here to do.

We’re all going through our own individual journey and have our own gifts. I don’t know what mine are exactly but I do feel compelled to put myself out there and put myself on the frontlines. It’s not a safe place to be. I’m all input right now though. There is a lot of shadow work that needs to be done. Today’s culture is catering to narcissists, giving them their supply through confirmation bias, identity bias and emotional bias. This is by design. They’re emotionally hijacked by the media. They can’t see it. They don’t want to see it. They’ve been brainwashed to be victims, they’re living in some made-up hero story and can’t see that they’re the baddies. They’re projecting. They’re being supplied and are high on self-righteousness. These are dangerous times we are in. These are not people who want unity, they want conformity. They don’t experience empathy like normal people because they are stuck in very very small thinking.

This is not to say that everybody else is perfect. I have this frustrating friend who tries to shame those of us who participate in partisan warfare. He keeps gaslighting us by trivializing our concerns and feelings. He believes that we are falling for some puppet show. He believes we should be taking ourselves out of it. That’s so naive, he’s lobotomized himself with positive thinking and wishful thinking. We’re not going to manifest healing like some pack of care bears. Neo did not beat the Matrix from outside of it. I wonder what my friend would have to say to Anne Frank. We have all the ingredients for Nazism, you either see that or you don’t and he refuses to see it. He has this frustrating belief that we all need to let go and let god. He keeps saying that he is a child of God because he believes in God and this gives him some magic ability to… I don’t even know. We can’t sit this one out. The digitally illiterate ones that I’ve written off are not a threat. They’re in the way but we can work around them. The emotionally hijacked ones are a threat and a lot of them can still wake up. Not those with the victim brainwash, they enjoy the pain they’re bringing. It’s a lot of work that society needs to do.

Society is fractured, it is torn. It is about to be ripped apart. There are too many competing narratives, too many competing ideas and too many competing identities that can’t coexist. Feminism cannot coexist with transgenderism, the gender extremist ones, for example. We need to have room for differences and I participate in partisan warfare because the left does not leave room for differences. By design. This neo-Marxism is what history warned us about. The right is not perfect, we’re a bunch of pussies. Nicole Arbour did an Instagram live yesterday and she hit the nail on the head. She’s not a major political figure or anything, just a comedian. Everything has become political, that is why I bring up politics. Hot and cold are not separate, they’re temperature. Left and right are not separate, they’re politics. Everything has become so divisive and that is why I bring up politics so much. This is by design, one side is about the consume the other if we don’t stop it.

A lot of us are distracted and not looking at the real enemy. Their eyes are wide shut but the writing is on the wall. This is the calm before the storm. It’s already started, world war three is information warfare. This will bleed out into the real world soon enough. It already has, cancel culture is not just on socialist media anymore. People are losing the right to earn income. We will be prisoners of conscience soon enough. These are scary and heavy times. There is no going back to normal. This is nationalism populism vs globalist communism. We’re going to have to fight for our lives, freedom is our birthright. It took a PCR test and fake news to overthrow us. It took fake news and identity politics to divide and conquer us. If we evolve in time we can reverse it but that will take a lot of work. Everybody is waiting for somebody to come and parent them. To do the work for them. It’s just not going to happen that way. The revolution we need can only be internalized.

There is a positive force developing though, a renaissance of sorts. In many different ways so there is still hope. I think we’re just going through a dark winter first. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink it. That saying is pretty much where we are. We can tell people the truth but we can’t make them believe it. They have to go on their own spiritual quest. Go the distance. To unlearn everything because it is false. This will allow them to grow into their true authentic selves. We need to remember who we are and that is returning. Our heritage was stolen from us and it is destined to return. It is returning, just not in the way people thought. This will be a battle of good vs evil in the end. Not necessarily kinetic warfare, no mam. Once people see who the invisible enemies are, that statement will make sense.

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