Hoping to get some peace in Torridaussity Two
- Feb. 21, 2021, 9:58 p.m.
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Tomorrow I hope that I will get some peace about my situation that transpired in January. I will know how to formulate a plan to move forward. I’ve not been myself since January and it’s been hard putting on a mask daily that I’m ok. I know I’ve not given clear details as to what was said in the text messages that sent me into this spiral and I may never be able to put it down for all to see. My best friend knows and I finally confessed to her what happened 3 years ago. She was supportive, but didn’t fully recognize how it traumatized me and I know it’s partly because it was 3 years ago. I am thankful with this latest mess she has been there for me as best as she can. I just read some calming Bible verses and will be praying tomorrow gives me the peace and resolution I seek. Good night all thanks for your kindness
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