Survived in 2021

  • Jan. 9, 2021, 5:12 p.m.
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Well, here we go again. I’m a little late but it’s still January so it’s all good.

I’m not going to make any promises to write more, although it would definitely benefit me, because I am just not sure I’ll be any good at it. I posted 21 entries last year. 21 That has to be the least amount of entries I have ever written. Probably even dating all the way back to when I was a teenager and started on TOD. Ugh. What a year though. What a crazy, wild year.

So much has happened in the last year. I mean, regular life things that have happened, not even all the insane 2020 stuff [covid, elections, protests, the psycho president and all his kool-aid drinking followers, etc and so forth]

While we were all reflecting over the New Year’s holiday, [probably complaining too much] EC reminded me that it wasn’t all bad. We got to spend a lot of time together that we wouldn’t otherwise. We learned a lot about each other and grew in so many ways. The best part being that we learned we can survive a pandemic, in close quarters, with little outside contact, and not kill each other [or break up]. That’s excellent news if we are planning to spend the rest of our lives together! There will always be ups and downs, but a quarantined pandemic has got to be near the top of the list! So surviving that together is a pretty damn good sign to me.

We did go on a couple trips in 2020. But had to cancel so many more. We did that trip to Morro Bay for Valentine’s day, before all the crazy, and it was beautiful. Depending on how this year plays out I would love to take another weekend trip somewhere. Make it a tradition to escape just the two of us. We’ll see.

In August we did take a quick trip to Vegas. I know everyone has their own opinions about travelling but things had been opening up around that time and we were all very, very safe. I’m a natural born germophobe so I’ve basically done all the sanitizing, washing, cleaning stuff all my life. Now I’m just working on showing everyone else how to do it. I couldn’t be more proud of EC who now uses sanitizer after getting gas and going to the grocery store. Never in a million years would he have done this in the past [I’ve been doing it for 10+ years because eww germs] and it took a little coaxing but he’s on board now.

The trip was safe, and careful, and easy. Basically only leaving the room to eat and spend time with mom/the few family members that went. To be honest Vegas has to be the cleanest it’s ever been. Perfect time for me to visit.

We also snuck out to Laughlin a few weeks ago. I know, I know. We have to take our own risks. It was just mom, EC, and I. We drove so as not to do the whole airport/plane thing. Took our own food so we didn’t have to stop but for gas one time. EC and I spent most of the time in the room again, “relaxing” and drinking our own liquor. Saved us money and contact with other people. It was all very clean and we were just as careful as always. Definitely nice to get away from it all for a couple of days. There were hardly any people there and mom has just not been doing well all contained inside her house. She needs to be moving and travelling. It’s not in her nature to stay home [as it’s not in so many extroverts nature]. So it was good to get her out even for a quick, nothing like it used to be, trip.

I’ll have to come back to tell y’all [mostly future me] about Christmas and the most expensive cut of meat I bought EC. [ok not the most but it felt like that to my frugal wallet haha]. I had so many amazing ideas for mom and EC this year that I went a little overboard and the livingroom floor was covered in gifts. It was the most our house has seen since we were little kids. I loved it! It made me so happy to make them happy!
Of course I got some awesome stuff too, like a really fun hippo planter that is currently sitting on my work desk with a piece of ice plant and some random succulents. It brightens my day to see now that I’m stuck back at work full time. Should be an interesting year for sure. Hopefully I’ll update on that as well.

I’ve got about 50 minutes left in my day so I’m off to continue removing staples and shredding a stack of paper before I close up shop.

Until next time,


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