Survey... in ♬LV♬'s Daily Life

  • Jan. 7, 2021, 6:10 p.m.
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Are you a cat person or a dog person?
I’m primarily a cat person, but I do like dogs…

How many pets do you have? What are their names?
Oliver (golden retriever), Eddie (schnoodle), Boo (black lab) and George (russian blue)

What pets, if any, did you have growing up?
Tobey the german shepherd, and various expendable fish species…

What’s your favorite holiday? Why?
Hanukkah and Samhain. Bc Hanukkah is a beautiful celebration… and you get to gorge yourself on chippies the other day! Yum!!

Which season do you like the best? Why?
I know a lot of people will hate me, but I like winter. So pretty (and I will say treacherous? Esp, in northern parts of Canada??? Yass…)

What’s the last TV show you binge watched? What’s next on your list?
Stranger Things. And now Schitt’$ Creek.

Do you subscribe to any YouTube channels? If so, which ones?
Really? I’ll break it down for you. Raphael Gomes, Plumbella, stevemre89 (or whatever.. look him up) and just random sh-t.

What song do you always sing along to when it comes on?
Bad Moon Rising by CCR. An awesome song, y’know??

What are some of your hobbies?
Photography, simming, causing chaos… listening to music like Blink 182, Sex Pistols, Wheatus, sh-t like that…

Did you take up any new hobbies during the quarantine? If so, what?
EATING COPIOUS AMMOUNTS OF FOOD! LMAO, probably annoying my baby sister a bit… but yeah the eating…

Do you play video games? If so, what are some of your favorites?
Pokemon Emerald, Pokemon Crystal (kickin’ it old skool) Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon, Pokemon Lets Go Eevee, Pokemon Shield, Legend of Zelda: the Minish Cap, The Sims 2 + 4.

Do you have any favorite stand-up comedians?
GOOGLE EMO PHILIPS. You will either love him or hate me… either one. I have a warped sense of humor....

What’s the most important thing in your life at the moment?
Bees and Julz. <3 ya gals :)

What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
Watch it fall and ponder the name Grayson for my Bulbasaur on LGE.

What’s the best memory you have before age 16?
Playing ping pong with my friends and listening to Popsicle by the New Kids on the Block in the eighties. :)

What’s the best memory you have in your 20s?
Watching Thomas the Tank engine with my toddler nephew Mathew <3

What was your usual morning routine before the pandemic? Has that changed?
What routine? LOL Not really....

Who was the first person you fell , ein love with? Do you still talk to that person?
His name was Giuseppe and no. :(

Who was the last person that made you smile and what did they do?
Bees just for being Bees. <3 <3 <3 <3

What books, if any, have you read this year?
What are these things you call books? LMAO!! I haven’t read a paper book recently but, I think on my tab, I have the best damn cookbook to ever grace a bookshelf, or whatever… the mighty Larousse Gastronomique!

What are some things you want to do before the year ends?
Get my vaccine for this sh-tty disease we call Covid-19.

What do you hope is invented within your lifetime?
A cure for diabetes.

Would you prefer flying cars or jetpacks?
I am a huge Potterhead (ok, I read Harry Potter.. so what??) and I just find the Weaseley flying car amazing. I want that. :D LOL!!!

Now you!!!

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