I gotta feeling in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • April 14, 2014, 5:45 p.m.
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... I'm gonna love this job.

Did my orientation this morning. Filled out a crap load of paperwork. Blah blah blah.

I go back on Wed and work the next 5 days so that I can get in my 40 hours of ONLINE training. The hell? I don't need 40 hours in front of a computer monitor. Put me behind the desk and I am good to go. But I'm playing with the big dogs now (4 star chain) so I have to do what the big dogs tell me to do lol.

Over all, I love the feel of the place. The employee perks aren't bad either lol. The biggest one is that I "have" to spend the night at the hotel within the next 30 days, with them footing the bill, of course. Their theory is what better way to be able to handle/deal with guests than to be a guest myself. We (Hubby, myself & The Child) will have to partake of all that the hotel offers - pool, hot tub, exercise room, free full breakfast, etc. - and then leave feedback. So we will be more or less "Mystery Shoppers". Housekeeping won't know when our stay will be or what room we will be in - this will insure they are doing their job all the time and not just for certain people/events. Since I am always doing a "white glove inspection" whenever we travel & stay at hotels, this is right up my alley LOL. If only we could get rid of The Child for the night so Hubby and I could have a "date" night lol. Or if I could convince Hubby & The Child to let me have the room to myself ... only in my dreams of course is what they will say lol.

You know you are working for a good company when they make you sign a paper stating that you agree to random drug testing .... call me conceited, a snob or what have you but I find comfort in that.

Of course dealing with drunks who just walked from the Casino next door after losing all of their money will most assuredly make me want to partake of the illegal substances, I'm sure.

But Hey!, I could still be dealing with Tami & Shelia. And if I stayed sober after dealing with them, then I am positive broke drunks will be a cake walk! LOL

So, overall I am happy about the new job. I think I'm going to enjoy it very much. Despite Mother Nature's attempt to ruin my Monday this morning ...

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And the zit on my chin that now seems to be required for every 1st day on the job I seem to get. Enough already hormones! I'm 43 for shit's sake! Gah!

Till next time ...

JadedAngel68 April 14, 2014

I'm glad that you are happy already and hope that you will just continue to love your job :) Awesome...the snow..not so much :P

anyahs April 15, 2014

Definitely seems like the new job takes their work very seriously and takes pride in how well they do! Awwwwwesome that they treat you to a stay so you can get hands on experience that customers do, that's so cool!

Deleted user April 15, 2014

B+ April 15, 2014

Yay for the new job... and right about that weather?! Crazy ass Mother Nature's at it again. I know we got a dickens of a snow storm at the end of last April, so thankfully it's not like that... Ours has all melted perfectly.

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