Book deletion in Site Updates
- July 25, 2013, 4:43 p.m.
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You'll now see a button to delete your book on the book description page. Use this feature with care since it destroys everything in its path (related entries and comments). As with the delete entry page, there's a confirmation screen so a random accidental click won't take everything with it. :)
Hopefully I've got most of the more mundane stuff done so I can add some more interesting new features. Seems like lately it's just the little things people don't notice unless they need the feature. Oh, but there's more cool stuff in the works. You betcha.
And I changed one setting because icons and other site-hosted images weren't being cached in the browser. So that should add a small amount of speed. Speed is good. Unless Keanu Reeves jumps on to your bus, which is an entirely different matter.
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