12:07 AM in Hello
- Dec. 6, 2020, 1:11 a.m.
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- Public
I’d like a beer.
Several actually.
Peacock is passed out in bed. She hurt her back and moving too much is out of the question. Reminds me of my pinched nerve a few years back where I was bed ridden for a week. Man, that was excruciating.
I’m tired but not wanting sleep yet. Honestly, I don’t know what I want right now except a beer. Or several. Oo, or some cheap vodka and Code Red Mt. Dew!
So, do I go down the Netflix rabbit hole or go in the living room and space out to nothing in particular on cable?
12:43 AM
South Park on in the background.
The Reddit rabbit hole won.
I…oh man…this is an ACTUAL word for word transcript from a court case in Georgia narrated by Rick & Morty.
Last updated December 06, 2020
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