On Passwords. in Whey and Sonic Screwdrivers.
- Nov. 28, 2020, 9:40 p.m.
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I have noticed that in movies, guys are generally teased for writing down their passwords. Someone is trying to do something on their computer, so they say “I bet they wrote down their password.”
Don’t you?
I certainly don’t use the same password for everything. I used to have a ten-digit all-number password I used for thing. Then I created a second. I thought. “This is impossible to guess. Good passwords.” Theeeeeen algorithms decided each password needed a capitalized letter, a special character, a notorized letter from your dead mom, and a number. So those wonderful ten digit number passwords became immediately defunct.
Common logic says “Don’t use words”. Really? How the frak are you supposed to remember? Let me make up a password right now.
There. Easy to remember. Hits all the boxes.
I was looking over my list of passwords. Gosh, I’m glad I wrote them down before my previous rig crashed. Talk about FUBAR.
Anyway, tl;dr, I have may have forgotten what my wifi password is, and gosh, I hope I don’t ever need it again.
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