... and What is Taken Away in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020

  • Nov. 12, 2020, 2:09 p.m.
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The plan for Wednesday as I knew it was as follows:
Wake up. Go to Des Moines to get glasses fixed. Come back to get my car fixed. Victoria comes over, we walk Nala, have dinner, enjoy each other. That is what the plans were.

Wednesday morning, I sleep in. My pain is kicking my ass. I can handle this. No problem. Get up, try to loosen my body up, go downstairs to try to work my body… fall asleep again sleeping through getting my car fixed. Well… my day has gone to shit! At least I have something fun to look forward to. I mean, the pain could be a problem but there are ways to work around that.

Remus sends me a message in the group text asking how I’m okay with Biden working with foreign governments right now considering the Logan Act. I inform him that the Logan Act strictly applies to UNAUTHORIZED citizens of the United States and that Joe Biden is currently the President-Elect. More so, though, working with other governments right now is in our country’s best interest as the last four years have been seen as American Isolationism. Worse still, if Trump goes forward, as his Secretary of State has declared they will to ignore any outcome other than a Trump Victory, we’re going to need other countries to reject the unlawful behavior and formally recognize Joe Biden as President.
Remus responded by saying Joe Biden is not the President-Elect as the electors don’t meet until January so he is an unauthorized citizen. My pain being where it was… I figured fuck it I’m not getting into it with him over whatever Ben Shapiro bullshit talking point he heard on the radio that morning.

Then Remus pms me to ask about my feelings on Ben Shapiro, and I don’t hold back. I quite unequivocally state that any man who advocates for making homosexuality a Mental Disorder, who argues against abortion in all cases, and treats women’s autonomy as a punchline is an absolute shitheel not worthy of my time. Then Remus asks what I think about Candice Owens. To which I respond that she is fucking insane and a chief proponent of “I question everything EXCEPT what I hear that agrees with me”.
It was just like… dude… how many times have I told you? I used to be a conservative. I have an autographed Glenn Beck book on my bookshelf. I have photos with the man. I’ve been where you are in questioning which of these “intelligent sounding mouth pieces” to pay attention to. You’ve chosen Ben Shapiro. Fine. But I’ve grown up. I’ve seen all of it for the undeniable bullshit that it is. Ben Shapiro and Candice Owens can literally fuck themselves to death for all I care. K, thnx, bye!

So… now… I’m in pain, in kind of a foul mood now, when the group chat picks up again.

I honestly can’t remember what it was specifically. But the group chat was talking about getting together at Remus and Victoria’s place that night. Which… threw me, as one would expect. And in a pm with Victoria, I basically said, “So when was I going to be told about a change in plans?” She explained how she wanted Remus to show me some things.
Thanks for communicating that with me.
At all.

So, I reacted in a way that was honest to my emotions. Explaining to her that going from “Hanging out and having sex” to “Going to her place to be a spectator” was a really fucking disappointing turn of events. Especially since it was not something that I was asked about nor even informed of. Simply supposed to glean from the conversation the four of us were having about the changes in what MY schedule that night was going to be. How that made me feel personally disrespected and a little unimportant. Small. She apologized for not communicating properly. I said, “Then I guess I’ll come over at 8 when the kids are in bed and… watch and learn I guess.”

A few hours pass and then Essen makes a comment about being over around 8. So wait… now… wait, I’m being told the “Watch and Learn” is now going to be a group event? And again I wasn’t asked about how I felt or if I was comfortable? GREAT! So I pm Victoria again. Lay it out.
My night of “friendship and sex” became “watch and learn” became “group activity” all without communication, consent, or checking in on my view or comfort at all. So… fuck it. I’m just not going to come over at all tonight.

Considering my physical body pain, my emotional sensitivity DUE to that pain, and the events as they unfolded? YEah. I’d call it a rough day.

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