Two out of three ain't bad in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • April 13, 2014, 2:12 p.m.
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Fuckin' Mother Nature. Really? I took this screen shot yesterday morning ...

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As you can see, we got up to 88ºF yesterday. But do you see tonight's forecast? And Monday's? What the hell!

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I'm telling you, People's, I need drugs!

But that's okay. I refuse to allow snow to ruin my day!!

1) We moved the grill into the garage and ain't no thunderstorm/snow storm gonna stop us from grilling 10 lbs. of wings ...

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We got original barbeque, teriyaki, lemon pepper, tapatio hot sauce and heinz 57. Can I get an Amen? lol

2) We found raw peanuts yesterday!!! We bought 10 lbs. and the first batch is almost done. (We are doing them in 1 pound increments until we get the boiled peanut recipe perfect and then will boil the remaining and freeze in quart bags to enjoy in the weeks to come.)

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So hell yeah, Mother Nature, bring it! I'm still gonna go all Redneck up in this house today, despite your bi-polar efforts!

Realized this morning that today, this Sunday, is the very first Sunday I have had off since last August. Yeah. I keep looking at the clock out of habit thinking, "Ok, I've got this much time left before I have to lay down for work tonight." But then I'm like, "Oh. Wait." LOL

We went to Wichita yesterday for the day. We were invited to a baby shower of friends of Hubby that he made when we were stationed in Charleston the last time. Originally we were gonna make it a short trip since I was scheduled to be to work at 11pm but since I had the night off, we made it an exhausting day trip.

It was fantastic! I got Starbucks, did some window shopping. Got a few summer clothes for The Child since she can no longer fit into last summer's stuff. Had a blast at the baby shower. It was so relaxing to just sit there and visit with other military families. I have missed socializing like that so much. I met my cousin-in-law to drop off Girl Scout cookies she had ordered. We left home at 8 am and got home at 10pm. What a great family day we had!

The best part was going to the AFB and shopping at the Commissary! It has been 13 months since we last shopped there and man, it made me so sick to see all the cheap prices! Seriously! Look at this ...

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We bought 4 of those and lots of other meats. I would have loved to have done a full out shopping trip but I was happy with just buying the meats since they are so stupidly expensive at Walmart or Dillon's. I'll be glad when we can move closer to a base again. Just a few more years ....

Okay, time to go fold a load of laundry and check on my boiled peanuts. They sure do smell good ...

Till next time ...

Chic Chat April 13, 2014

I'm drooling now... send me some wings!!!

Hot damn that's a steal. Why can't it be that cheap everywhere else? I swear I just heard there was a shortage on bacon somewhere... lmao

Glad you all had a great time together yesterday.

OneSassyLadyNKY Chic Chat ⋅ April 14, 2014

What's your address LOL

I know nothing about a bacon shortage ... in Kansas or anywhere lol

lizzyslife April 13, 2014

Heinz 57 on wings? YUM! Why didn't I ever think of that? Happy grilling!

OneSassyLadyNKY lizzyslife ⋅ April 14, 2014

It was so good! You definitely have to try it!

anyahs April 14, 2014

Mmmmmm wings!! <3 Glad you had such an awesome weekend!! We're supposed to get the same weather as you, just a day behind. I'm HOPING that the snow in the forecast is just a joke and we'll be laughing tomorrow when it's still 70-80 degrees. God, I hope lol!!

OneSassyLadyNKY anyahs ⋅ April 14, 2014

We woke up to 2" on the ground. Luckily the roads were still warm from the 88ºF temps we had Saturday so they weren't too bad. But yeah, go away snow! It's April!

JadedAngel68 April 14, 2014

This weather is totally nuts. We are supposed to have frost tomorrow over this cold weather. but I bet those wings turn out yummy:)

OneSassyLadyNKY JadedAngel68 ⋅ April 14, 2014

I was over the cold weather back in January LOL and yes, the wings were awesome!

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