Peaceful easy feeling in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • April 19, 2014, 10:50 a.m.
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I’m still alive. Sorry I have been MIA these past few days. I’ve been doing my online training at work and let me tell you, by the time I leave out of there, the last thing I want to do is go home and sit some more in front of a computer. LOL

I feel like I am cross eyed and my body is so stiff! But the worst is over and hopefully today when I go in at 3 I will finally get to start working out front on the desk. I only have one more “online course” to do, for night audit, and then I am officially done with all my online training. And apparently it is not normal to be done so soon? The manager was shocked when I told him yesterday that I had finished the front desk courses & only had the night audit course to do. Eh, it is what it is.

Side note: the very first course for my training was how to operate a mouse. I shit you not! I looked at Omar and said, “You are kidding me right? This is just some sort of joke or initiation thing right?” LOL It wasn’t.

The “floating manager” (from a different property, who is helping us out) seemed impressed with my progress also. I think he has been secretly testing me. He’ll walk by and ask me a random question and when I answer he’s always impressed with my responses.

For example: “So Sassy, how do you feel you are doing so far?”

Me: “Honestly, I think I am doing well. It is all very familiar.”

Him: “Really? How so? I thought you never worked for (new hotel) before?”

Me: “No, I haven’t. But it’s the same concept. Kinda like Internet Explorer or Google Chrome or Firefox, etc., they all do the same thing, they just do it differently. You just have to take a moment to learn your way around them to figure out what buttons do what.”

Him:” Hmmm. I never thought of it like that before. I like the way you think!”

By the way, what parent names their child Barnabas? Some parent(s) did and he is our floating manager.

Anywho, all is going good.

I feel like Alice in wonderland most days. I’m not used to so much generosity, so much pleasantness. They made sure each morning that I fixed myself a plate of breakfast, and made sure my plate was full at that lol. They made sure I took plenty of breaks, including smoke breaks. Over half the employees smoke. Last place, I was the only one lol. Everyone says good morning to me, before I even have a chance to tell them good morning. The other place, I was lucky if the desk clerk I was relieving bothered to look up at me. The introvert in me screams at all the attention lol but I’m adjusting to the changes.

The best part of my week …

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Yesterday a guest (a regular?) called to make a reservation for last night. Apparently he is a character because he told Phyllis to make sure he had a 4th floor, ocean view room. Kansas doesn’t have ocean view anything LOL. So Erica, the sales manager, printed out an ocean view picture, 2 to be exact, and we searched through lost and found for beach items. Since I’m the new girl, I got tasked with blowing up the arm floaties lol. So then Erica and I went up to the room and she taped the pictures to the windows and we set out the floaties and water goggles, complete with a welcome card. I would have so loved to see his face when he entered the room!

Apparently, doing things like that for the guests is standard at our hotel. How cool is that?? I love it!

Erica has decided to enlist me to help her when she has big group welcome packs/gift baskets/etc to do since I love doing stuff like that. Lord, what did I just get myself into? LOL

I start training on the desk for night audit on Wed. night. I’ll be glad to get the training over and done with so I can move forward and get a routine going. My OCD is not liking the bouncing around and lack of a set schedule lol.

Anyway, I am going to go eat lunch so that I can then get ready for work this evening. I’m going to start reading the 78 bookmarks you wonderful, chatty people have left for me to get caught back up on. It may take a couple of day lol. I’m off work on Mon & Tues so I have till then to get caught up.

Till next time …

Last updated November 24, 2014

Chic Chat April 21, 2014

Love everything about this except for your ocd giving you shit! Love the hospitality...thats how you keep business coming back!

B+ April 24, 2014

I totally laughed when I saw that on FB... b/c I was like- What Ocean!? That's great...

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