MATHS FOLLOW UP in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
- Oct. 28, 2020, 11:48 a.m.
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Please read the previous entry as that entry is the entry of substance. This is merely a correction.
After receiving many notes as to people concerned about the mortgage payment being too much of my salary… I began thinking about my maths. As I’ve said before… my life is as an actor and an attorney… I can speak compellingly but I’ll leave the math problems to folks who know numbers!!
My 40% number came from a mortgage of over $1600. This is incorrect. The $1600 was how much the three bedroom apartment cost us per month. SO THATwould have been 40% of my current pay if I moved back to a larger area where things are more expensive. No, my mortgage is closer to $1300. Which after taxes comes closer to 33% of my pay check. Probably still a bit high, all things considered, but I believe at least research poll the Average American spends between 30 and 35% on housing.
Thalia ⋅ October 28, 2020
I think maybe the research shows the 30-35% gross income, not net. So you're doing great! Better than I am, at least haha.